So last night, after I posted my blog, my mom and I were watching a movie and she fell asleep. So I tried to wake her up so she could move onto a bed (she was on the floor) and nothing was working. I tried poking, shaking, calling "mom, wake up!" and nada. So I tried the petting her hair thing she used to do to me when I was little in combination with the "mom, wake up!" and she started to wake up... looked up towards me... and screamed her head off! It's 1am and she's screaming bloody blue murder! I'm like, "mom, it's me! Calm down!" and she stopped, but I was surprised the neighbours didn't call the cops!
Ok, I'm not sure what is up with people calling my house so early lately, specifically people in my family but my dad called this morning at 6:09am. I answered the phone similarly to the way I answered it yesterday and he asked if my mom was there. When I said she was still asleep he responded with, "well, she reset the friggin alarm clock to beep instead of radio and it sounded like a friggin firm alarm was going off in the house so I assume she needed to be up at this time for some reason." I told him we still had almost an hour until we were planning to get up and I was going back to sleep. At that point, I hung up and went back to sleep.
I dropped my car off to have the tires rotated, oil changed, brakes checked and replaced if needed, windshield wipers replaced, etc. My mom dropped me back off at home and I called a cab to get me to school as I had an appt. on campus at 10 before my class at 11. The cab was about 15 minutes late and I made it to my appt. with about 30 sec. to spare. The appt. went ok, it had to do with the class I am withdrawing from with cause. But there were certain aspects of the appt. that upset me and I just wanted it to be over. The best part about the appt. was when I got a phone call from the autobody saying my car was finished. It ended up being done way sooner than I had expected and for way less than I had expected as well!
I gave Dee her birthday gift before class and she laughed but seemed to enjoy it! :D Steve sang Dee, Ash and I the "I want a Hippo" Telus commercial and it made us smile. I kind of want to see if I can find him a hippo for a gift for Christmas. :)
Class was pretty scattered today, the prof was all over the place for much of it and a lot of us were pretty bored. Most of us had no idea what he was talking about! We decided that our last ear training exam should be all made up of 0123, 0246, 0378, 035, 037 and 047 because we are able to hear those and no 0156 or 0167 because it's hard to tell the difference right now...
After class Laura picked Ash and I up and they dropped me off to pick up my car. I ended up doing some Christmas shopping. I got some stuff for my friends and family, for the Rover Christmas party, and for a few of ths kids at my mom's school whose families cannot afford to buy toys and such. My mom had given me a list and I got the stuff on the list so it was all good. :)
I went to the mall and got my hair done (my bangs trimmed, she washed my hair and I mentioned that I have natural curl and she played with it a bit) and I came out with... A bit of an 80's thing going on. It is awesome though!!!!
I ran a couple of other errands and then, as I was leaving the mall, I saw something that made me really upset. The roads and sidewalks were covered in snow and there was this guy in a wheelchair crossing the street... The guy is trying to carry a box that doesn't fit on his lap and it keeps sliding off and his wheels keep getting stuck in the snow. And people keep walking past him and ignoring him! The one person that I thought was going to stop (at least he looked at him) was this Hutterite or Mennonite guy who was walking past... If I hadn't been blocking traffic to do so (and there were about 10 cars behind me at the light) I would have gotten out to help. As it was, he put the corner of the bag in his mouth and kept going. When he got to the other side and was having trouble getting up onto the sidewalk, someone waiting to cross the other way (E to W instead of S to N) helped him by holding the box for him. It just made me mad that like 8 people walked past him while he was struggling and didn't help!
Anyway, I went home and had an hour long nap (I had a headache and it helped) and then got ready for the concert. My mom and I took one car and I told her to sit in the center balcony for the best sound and so she could see me. The concert went really well. The guy who sits next to me managed to break one of the keys on his clarinet like 10 minutes before we went on stage. And then he asked after one piece if we could move our stand down.... The conductor is conducting above his head and I had the stand fairly low and that proves he's not watching the conductor!!!! He's lucky that I can't stand him already because I just did the, "oh well, whatever" thing in his general direction. He says he likes being in the choir better than being in orchestra and I kind of hopes he decides not to do orchestra next semester!
After the concert, my mom and I went for dinner at Moxies. We talked about the concert and she said the only thing that kind of bothered her was that a lot of the choir stuff was very Catholic in nature and it was all slow. At least our pieces vary in tempo and such so they aren't as boring. The other thing she commented about was that she was lonely sitting by herself. I need to make sure that next time I have a concert there is someone for her (that she knows preferably) to sit with.
Afterwards, we went home and wrapped gifts and such and then went to bed... I know I'm going to sleep tonight because I have been up since 7am and it's almost 3am now...
Freedom... A beautiful blending... Me. The first two are things that are driving forces in my life and the lives of many people around me. Things that I need to remind myself that I need and want. Peaceful... This is part of who I am and who I am continually striving to be.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Things are looking up...
So, the phone rang at 6:54am and I rolled over and answered it with something resembling, "'lo'?" It was my mom calling to talk to my brother about what is going on this weekend. I asked her a question, got the answer, rolled over and went back to sleep. I should probably point out that I went to bed around 4:30... So, I woke up "early" (8:30ish) and went back to work on my paper. Around 10am I decided I should probably have a shower and check my e-mail to see if my prof ever got back to me and he hadn't so I called his office. He told me that he didn't care when I got the paper in, I shouldn't stress, be in his class that day and hand it in when I got it finished. I am trying to get it done no later than Monday but he said that due to the special circumstances that I have going on right now, he understands if I need a couple of extra days. On one had, I hate my laptop for crashing yesterday, on the other hand, I love it... So I had a shower, got dressed and John dropped me off.
After class I hung out with Ashleigh for a few and then went and sold Cabaret tickets for an hour. I was supposed to be selling them with Carrie but she never showed up. I sat in the Atrium for the hour and chatted with people as they went by on their way to class. Just before I was done, Tanya came to sit with me and mentioned that the contact for the Roughnecks had called her and she was going to call him back. I had faxed him our letter earlier this week and I will go pick up whatever the donation is next weekend! At 2pm, I ran into Dee on her way out of her practice session which apparently had gone well! She turns "old" today and I forgot her birthday present at home so I have to remember to take it tomorrow! Just as I stopped to talk to Dee, John walked up the stairs and he stopped to talk to her as well. She had to run so he and I walked down to my car just as the security guys drove up (he had parked in the handicap stalls on 4) and we went and picked Ash up and came home.
I dyed Ash's hair a light blonde colour (overtop of her natural colour it goes a coppery colour... it's SO pretty!) and we darkened my roots so when I go "deepest plum" again my roots dont go PURPLE! I like the colour purple but not that much!
As soon as we were done we ran over to the mall so John could meet with his curling team and Ash and I went to Michael's and picked up a few things. We picked John back up and he dropped Ash and I off at the Church that I had orchestra at and Laura picked Ash up from there. John went home to pack to leave tonight.
Orchestra was ok. We were SUPER cramped and squished. We kept elbowing each other and sptepping on each other but I think we have it figured out for tomorrow. Megan gave me a ride home and now I am blogging!
The only things that have happened in the past little while (30 minutes since I got home) are: I have been asked an interesting question that I am contemplating, I had to send a slightly snotty message to someone (it had to be done), I made a couple of phone calls, I received a couple of phone calls and I decided on what I am getting Kristyn for a baby gift. So I am now going shopping!
(11:30pm) Update: I bought the baby gift, only to get home and realize part of what I thought I bought isn't here! Oh well... I will go back tomorrow! I also picked up some of the stuff I needed for people for Christmas while I was out. My mom is here now and we are going to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith (I just got it!) and we ordered in pizza for dinner. I have decided that the "coming to E for advice" thing is going to stop for a while. I've had enough... And I am nervous about the concert tomorrow but excited as well! I have to take my car in for servicing so prayer that it doesn't have to be in all day would be great!
After class I hung out with Ashleigh for a few and then went and sold Cabaret tickets for an hour. I was supposed to be selling them with Carrie but she never showed up. I sat in the Atrium for the hour and chatted with people as they went by on their way to class. Just before I was done, Tanya came to sit with me and mentioned that the contact for the Roughnecks had called her and she was going to call him back. I had faxed him our letter earlier this week and I will go pick up whatever the donation is next weekend! At 2pm, I ran into Dee on her way out of her practice session which apparently had gone well! She turns "old" today and I forgot her birthday present at home so I have to remember to take it tomorrow! Just as I stopped to talk to Dee, John walked up the stairs and he stopped to talk to her as well. She had to run so he and I walked down to my car just as the security guys drove up (he had parked in the handicap stalls on 4) and we went and picked Ash up and came home.
I dyed Ash's hair a light blonde colour (overtop of her natural colour it goes a coppery colour... it's SO pretty!) and we darkened my roots so when I go "deepest plum" again my roots dont go PURPLE! I like the colour purple but not that much!
As soon as we were done we ran over to the mall so John could meet with his curling team and Ash and I went to Michael's and picked up a few things. We picked John back up and he dropped Ash and I off at the Church that I had orchestra at and Laura picked Ash up from there. John went home to pack to leave tonight.
Orchestra was ok. We were SUPER cramped and squished. We kept elbowing each other and sptepping on each other but I think we have it figured out for tomorrow. Megan gave me a ride home and now I am blogging!
The only things that have happened in the past little while (30 minutes since I got home) are: I have been asked an interesting question that I am contemplating, I had to send a slightly snotty message to someone (it had to be done), I made a couple of phone calls, I received a couple of phone calls and I decided on what I am getting Kristyn for a baby gift. So I am now going shopping!
(11:30pm) Update: I bought the baby gift, only to get home and realize part of what I thought I bought isn't here! Oh well... I will go back tomorrow! I also picked up some of the stuff I needed for people for Christmas while I was out. My mom is here now and we are going to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith (I just got it!) and we ordered in pizza for dinner. I have decided that the "coming to E for advice" thing is going to stop for a while. I've had enough... And I am nervous about the concert tomorrow but excited as well! I have to take my car in for servicing so prayer that it doesn't have to be in all day would be great!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
*sigh* :'(
Alright, this week has got to get better soon or I will have to go jump off something really high... Even if it a diving board until the pressure of the water gives me a headache (which for some reason, always makes me feel better...).
Today I got up pretty early and went to work on my essay. I got a paragraph set and weeded out some stuff I didn't need from my notes and then got ready to go to school. I got to theory and we got our homework back (I got an A which was good, I think it was the best part of my day...) and then we talked about more 12-tone theory. *gag* After theory I stopped to talk to the prof about the assignment for that class and the paper for his other class.
I got home and John still wasn't up so grabbed lunch and I went back to work on my paper. I had a bit of a nap (about 30 minutes) midafternoon and then went back to work. I worked for about 4.5 hours straight, 3 of those hours on musical analysis and the other 1.5 on the body of the essay. At the point that I realized I needed to leave in about an hour, my laptop froze. So I shut down what I could and it still wasn't responding so I pressed, "CTRL ALT DELETE" and restarted my laptop. I lost 3/4 of what I had done... It was at that point that I restrained myself from throwing my laptop against the wall or out the window and sat and cried. I went back to work and as it hadn't auto-recovered, I was basically screwed.
I went to my night class and we watched two documentaries, one on the original King Kong (1933) and the other on Film Music and the importance that music plays in films. It was interesting and the film clips/music was good but I was very distracted. My prof (same as this morning) told me during the break that we were going to be watching excerpts from Fantasia, Looney Tunes and Spirited Away during the second half of class and as I have seen all of them, I asked if I could go home and go back to work. He said that was fine and asked what my topic was and I explained it to him. I left and am now at home.
I got home and told John he could have the car. He told me he had called a cab and I told him to call and cancel it. He apparently didn't know you could do that. So he did. I realized that I have a ton of work left to do this week, which includes that paper, which is technically due by 4pm tomorrow and with the work I did today down the drain, I'm basically screwed. I also need to figure out what to get my friend for her baby shower gift as the baby shower is on Saturday and between school, homework, the concert I'm playing in on Friday, rehearsals and my car needing to be serviced, I am basically out of time. When I realized all I have to do in the next little while, I wept. I didn't cry, I wept. I had tears rolling down my face and sobs shaking my body... I think I scared John... Hell, I scared myself... I just wanted to curl up in the fetal position and stay like that...
I calmed down once John left and I e-mailed my prof. At this point I will have to pull an all-nighter (which I don't have the energy for) and work all day tomorrow, skipping everything I'm supposed to be at in order to get this done by 4pm. I don't know what else to do and I need to sleep sometime... *sigh* I'm waiting for a response from the professor and I hope he gets back to me soon...
For now, I am blogging incredibly early and then going back to work. Prayer is greatly appreciated. Hugs would be good from anyone I see in the next few days. This next week and a bit are going to be brutal and I may not be around a lot and I hope my friends understand I'm not being anti-social, I'm trying not to flunk out!
*sigh* Back to my stupid essay!
Today I got up pretty early and went to work on my essay. I got a paragraph set and weeded out some stuff I didn't need from my notes and then got ready to go to school. I got to theory and we got our homework back (I got an A which was good, I think it was the best part of my day...) and then we talked about more 12-tone theory. *gag* After theory I stopped to talk to the prof about the assignment for that class and the paper for his other class.
I got home and John still wasn't up so grabbed lunch and I went back to work on my paper. I had a bit of a nap (about 30 minutes) midafternoon and then went back to work. I worked for about 4.5 hours straight, 3 of those hours on musical analysis and the other 1.5 on the body of the essay. At the point that I realized I needed to leave in about an hour, my laptop froze. So I shut down what I could and it still wasn't responding so I pressed, "CTRL ALT DELETE" and restarted my laptop. I lost 3/4 of what I had done... It was at that point that I restrained myself from throwing my laptop against the wall or out the window and sat and cried. I went back to work and as it hadn't auto-recovered, I was basically screwed.
I went to my night class and we watched two documentaries, one on the original King Kong (1933) and the other on Film Music and the importance that music plays in films. It was interesting and the film clips/music was good but I was very distracted. My prof (same as this morning) told me during the break that we were going to be watching excerpts from Fantasia, Looney Tunes and Spirited Away during the second half of class and as I have seen all of them, I asked if I could go home and go back to work. He said that was fine and asked what my topic was and I explained it to him. I left and am now at home.
I got home and told John he could have the car. He told me he had called a cab and I told him to call and cancel it. He apparently didn't know you could do that. So he did. I realized that I have a ton of work left to do this week, which includes that paper, which is technically due by 4pm tomorrow and with the work I did today down the drain, I'm basically screwed. I also need to figure out what to get my friend for her baby shower gift as the baby shower is on Saturday and between school, homework, the concert I'm playing in on Friday, rehearsals and my car needing to be serviced, I am basically out of time. When I realized all I have to do in the next little while, I wept. I didn't cry, I wept. I had tears rolling down my face and sobs shaking my body... I think I scared John... Hell, I scared myself... I just wanted to curl up in the fetal position and stay like that...
I calmed down once John left and I e-mailed my prof. At this point I will have to pull an all-nighter (which I don't have the energy for) and work all day tomorrow, skipping everything I'm supposed to be at in order to get this done by 4pm. I don't know what else to do and I need to sleep sometime... *sigh* I'm waiting for a response from the professor and I hope he gets back to me soon...
For now, I am blogging incredibly early and then going back to work. Prayer is greatly appreciated. Hugs would be good from anyone I see in the next few days. This next week and a bit are going to be brutal and I may not be around a lot and I hope my friends understand I'm not being anti-social, I'm trying not to flunk out!
*sigh* Back to my stupid essay!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Grrrr.... :(
Today wasn't the greatest. In fact, I am sure I have had both better and worse but today royally sucked.
I got up and did the morning thing and was ready to go to class. I then discussed this evening with my brother. We each had commitments we needed to be at, on opposite sides of the city, at various times. I asked if he could find a ride to his commitment as it started in the middle of mine and I would pick him up when he was done and he blew up and me and said he just wouldn't go and stormed off. I was pretty upset and I pointed out to him that it is my car and he yelled at me. I gathered all of my stuff to write my paper and my laptop case and I left for school. I called Laura because I was pretty much having a panic attack and she calmed me down... I got to class just as the prof started the lecture and he ended class really early... I went to talk to him because my paper isn't coming together as well as I had hoped and I am feeling very frantic about it at this point. It is due Thursday and I have about half of it written and still have a ton of point form notes and a ton of analyis left to do... He said to get in touch with him tomorrow and let him know how things are. At this point I want to put my head down on my desk and cry I am so frustrated with it...
After class I went to BP's for lunch to stay away from my house. I worked on the Theory project that is due next week for a few minutes and reorganized some of my notes/ideas for my paper. I wrote about 1.5 pages while I was there. I called the Arts and Science Advising office while I was there and found out the drop-in was pretty much right after lunch so I headed back over to the U.
I got there are 1:40 and signed myself in and waited. I saw this guy that is a friend of a friend who likes to pick on me but I ignored him, it was easier. The advisor called me in and I explained my circumstances and showed him my doctor's note and he told me that while my concerns are valid, the doctor's note isn't enough documentation for what I was needing. I need "specific dates and what is wrong" which a doctor will not put on a note due to doctor-patient confidentiality. He also said "the concerns aren't completely specified and it doesn't say how it directly relates to you." I asked if he had seen my letter of accomodation for this semester and he said that it is only guidelines for exams and in class assignments. I pointed out that it says in that letter what my stengths and weaknesses are and that should answer "what's wrong and how it relates to me" but he wouldn't listen and he got very patronizing. So I started in disability services, was sent to counselling services, saw my family doctor, was sent to advising and now I have to GO BACK to one of the first two!!! I am NOT impressed! I called both disability services and counselling today to try to book an appointment... I now have an appointment on Friday and when I made the appointment, the lady I am meeting with asked who I was speaking to in Advising and she didn't sound too impressed with him either.... It was at the point that I left his office in tears because I was so frustrated that I felt like "that's it, I'm done."
I went home afterwards and spent a few minutes checking my e-mail and such and then worked on my essay for a while and then tried to lay down because I had a headache and the phone kept ringing. I helped John put his binder for a project that he needed to hand in today together and then when he got home from dropping it off he drove me to orchestra.
Orchestra was good. I love the pieces we are playing (when I am not counting 32 bars rest...) and the annoying guy who sits next to me wasn't sitting there for part of it because we were working with the choir and he sings in the choir as well and has chosen to sing the pieces instead of playing them. (Good riddance!) I left before we were done (about 7:45)because I had let John have the car and Laura was picking me up and she had a client at 8. (She works for homecare.)
Since I got home I have had leftovers for dinner (from lunch with Shaun on Saturday...), worked on my essay (I feel like I have hit a brick wall) and watched (meaning it was on and I listened to it) some T.V.
Now, I am exhausted, it has been an incredibly long, emotionally tiring day and I am going to get some sleep (if I can fall asleep)... :( Night...
I got up and did the morning thing and was ready to go to class. I then discussed this evening with my brother. We each had commitments we needed to be at, on opposite sides of the city, at various times. I asked if he could find a ride to his commitment as it started in the middle of mine and I would pick him up when he was done and he blew up and me and said he just wouldn't go and stormed off. I was pretty upset and I pointed out to him that it is my car and he yelled at me. I gathered all of my stuff to write my paper and my laptop case and I left for school. I called Laura because I was pretty much having a panic attack and she calmed me down... I got to class just as the prof started the lecture and he ended class really early... I went to talk to him because my paper isn't coming together as well as I had hoped and I am feeling very frantic about it at this point. It is due Thursday and I have about half of it written and still have a ton of point form notes and a ton of analyis left to do... He said to get in touch with him tomorrow and let him know how things are. At this point I want to put my head down on my desk and cry I am so frustrated with it...
After class I went to BP's for lunch to stay away from my house. I worked on the Theory project that is due next week for a few minutes and reorganized some of my notes/ideas for my paper. I wrote about 1.5 pages while I was there. I called the Arts and Science Advising office while I was there and found out the drop-in was pretty much right after lunch so I headed back over to the U.
I got there are 1:40 and signed myself in and waited. I saw this guy that is a friend of a friend who likes to pick on me but I ignored him, it was easier. The advisor called me in and I explained my circumstances and showed him my doctor's note and he told me that while my concerns are valid, the doctor's note isn't enough documentation for what I was needing. I need "specific dates and what is wrong" which a doctor will not put on a note due to doctor-patient confidentiality. He also said "the concerns aren't completely specified and it doesn't say how it directly relates to you." I asked if he had seen my letter of accomodation for this semester and he said that it is only guidelines for exams and in class assignments. I pointed out that it says in that letter what my stengths and weaknesses are and that should answer "what's wrong and how it relates to me" but he wouldn't listen and he got very patronizing. So I started in disability services, was sent to counselling services, saw my family doctor, was sent to advising and now I have to GO BACK to one of the first two!!! I am NOT impressed! I called both disability services and counselling today to try to book an appointment... I now have an appointment on Friday and when I made the appointment, the lady I am meeting with asked who I was speaking to in Advising and she didn't sound too impressed with him either.... It was at the point that I left his office in tears because I was so frustrated that I felt like "that's it, I'm done."
I went home afterwards and spent a few minutes checking my e-mail and such and then worked on my essay for a while and then tried to lay down because I had a headache and the phone kept ringing. I helped John put his binder for a project that he needed to hand in today together and then when he got home from dropping it off he drove me to orchestra.
Orchestra was good. I love the pieces we are playing (when I am not counting 32 bars rest...) and the annoying guy who sits next to me wasn't sitting there for part of it because we were working with the choir and he sings in the choir as well and has chosen to sing the pieces instead of playing them. (Good riddance!) I left before we were done (about 7:45)because I had let John have the car and Laura was picking me up and she had a client at 8. (She works for homecare.)
Since I got home I have had leftovers for dinner (from lunch with Shaun on Saturday...), worked on my essay (I feel like I have hit a brick wall) and watched (meaning it was on and I listened to it) some T.V.
Now, I am exhausted, it has been an incredibly long, emotionally tiring day and I am going to get some sleep (if I can fall asleep)... :( Night...
Monday, November 28, 2005
Ok, so last night I stayed up pretty late working on my papers. I was also talking to some people online and it was good to talk to those people. I miss my friends when I am here... I was also working on Theory homework and it was VERY tedious...
This morning I got up 45 minutes before I had to be in class... I went to class and got a bunch of assignments back. I was NOT impressed... I did well on almost all of them. I got one B+ because I hadn't listed the "other 12 variations." *eyes rolling* I pointed out to the professor that I didn't think I had to worry about listing them as all they are is the ones I had listed, in reverse!!! Apparently, it mattered. *sigh* I'm not the only person who did that though. I did get a compliment on the colour scheme though. I had changed the colours of the chart and the font to show which rows corresponded and it turned out quite pretty! *grin* Class today was quite boring but only because it was kind of a review... And it was kind of confusing in the stuff that was/wasn't (not sure how to explain it)...
After class I went downtown to pay a parking ticket and took Ashleigh with me. She was going to go to Esquire's until her piano lesson but Laura called and invited us back to their house for lunch so I drove Ash there. I had a cheese croissant (I wasn't really hungry) and Laura gave me the scarf she made me for Christmas... My first Christmas gift!!! It is pink and purple and fuzzy and sparkly... It is SO pretty! I told Laura colours I like and she chose very nice ones! After talking to them for a while, I ran some errands and came home to work on my history paper.
My paper topic is: "Clarinet in the Classic Period with Specific Focus on K.622 by W.A. Mozart." Thus far, my research is done but I don't have enough Journal articles and my essay is slowly taking form and I still need to do the musical analysis. The thing that worries me is that it is due on Thursday... I am trying really hard to get all of my thoughts and the research to fit together but it's not working so well. Plus, it has to be 8-10 pages of my own writing and right now, it is barely 2.5 pages... I have about 15 pages of notes and 12 books all sitting with post-its in them and all over them... I just have to re-organize everything.
Today I also made a bunch of phone calls about silent auction stuff. I went to Staples tonight and faxed a bunch of letters off to various places in Calgary and Lethbridge... I think that we may have WAY more donations than last year and I am glad to have contributed to that! I'm also glad that some of my friends want to come down to the Cabaret and hang out that weekend. I love having people around but it doesn't happen very often.
Tonight I made dinner and did more work on my essay. I also spent a bit of time on Nex and chatted with two of my favourite guys on MSN. I changed my pic on one of my MSN accounts and I like it because it reminds me of when my friends came to visit in October but I edited it so it was more clear as to who/what it was.
I don't have much else to say. My knee is still killing me and I am really tired. I am going to try and get some sleep tonight.
This morning I got up 45 minutes before I had to be in class... I went to class and got a bunch of assignments back. I was NOT impressed... I did well on almost all of them. I got one B+ because I hadn't listed the "other 12 variations." *eyes rolling* I pointed out to the professor that I didn't think I had to worry about listing them as all they are is the ones I had listed, in reverse!!! Apparently, it mattered. *sigh* I'm not the only person who did that though. I did get a compliment on the colour scheme though. I had changed the colours of the chart and the font to show which rows corresponded and it turned out quite pretty! *grin* Class today was quite boring but only because it was kind of a review... And it was kind of confusing in the stuff that was/wasn't (not sure how to explain it)...
After class I went downtown to pay a parking ticket and took Ashleigh with me. She was going to go to Esquire's until her piano lesson but Laura called and invited us back to their house for lunch so I drove Ash there. I had a cheese croissant (I wasn't really hungry) and Laura gave me the scarf she made me for Christmas... My first Christmas gift!!! It is pink and purple and fuzzy and sparkly... It is SO pretty! I told Laura colours I like and she chose very nice ones! After talking to them for a while, I ran some errands and came home to work on my history paper.
My paper topic is: "Clarinet in the Classic Period with Specific Focus on K.622 by W.A. Mozart." Thus far, my research is done but I don't have enough Journal articles and my essay is slowly taking form and I still need to do the musical analysis. The thing that worries me is that it is due on Thursday... I am trying really hard to get all of my thoughts and the research to fit together but it's not working so well. Plus, it has to be 8-10 pages of my own writing and right now, it is barely 2.5 pages... I have about 15 pages of notes and 12 books all sitting with post-its in them and all over them... I just have to re-organize everything.
Today I also made a bunch of phone calls about silent auction stuff. I went to Staples tonight and faxed a bunch of letters off to various places in Calgary and Lethbridge... I think that we may have WAY more donations than last year and I am glad to have contributed to that! I'm also glad that some of my friends want to come down to the Cabaret and hang out that weekend. I love having people around but it doesn't happen very often.
Tonight I made dinner and did more work on my essay. I also spent a bit of time on Nex and chatted with two of my favourite guys on MSN. I changed my pic on one of my MSN accounts and I like it because it reminds me of when my friends came to visit in October but I edited it so it was more clear as to who/what it was.
I don't have much else to say. My knee is still killing me and I am really tired. I am going to try and get some sleep tonight.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
I'm blogging early tonight so I can work on/finish homework and go to bed fairly early...
Today I slept in. I figured that I was up early yesterday and last night, after I posted my blog, I ended up talking to Will on the phone for a while... Almost an hour I think. We talked about random things and it was cool to talk to him. When we got off the phone, I watched the last half an hour of "Christmas with the Kranks" and then went to sleep. It was around 4am. :( And, I wonder why I can't sleep??? (Rhetorical question.) So I woke up and got up around noon. My mom called me the first time around 8 or so and then every about an hour until I got up at noon. She was calling to keep me informed about how John's curling games were going. They won last night so they played this morning at 10 and then they won this morning so they played this afternoon at 2. So I got up and did homework for a few, got ready/packed and left. I got to Claresholm around 4 and his game ended around 5. They were playing 10 ends and they were tied at the end of the 10th. So they played an 11th. It looked like it was going to come down to the last rock and was so tense! They won and that meant they were done for today but they play next weekend in Coleman (in the Crowsnest Pass) to determine who goes to Provincials or Nationals or something... I'm honestly not really sure, I just know that only 4 teams move on. And if they had lost this afternoon, they would have played tonight at 6. The funny thing about the 2:00 game was they were playing the team from LCC, which is all guys they know/go to school with/have curled with. It made for an interesting game.
By the time we got back to Lethbridge, it was too late to run some of the errands my mom and I had planned. So I came in and did a bit of homework before going out for dinner with Will. We went to East Side Mario's. It was interesting... He chose the restaurant and I'm glad I made him choose. I was trying to decide but (as per usual) I was overthinking it. I was going through the places we could go and ruling out some of them due to too much noise, too many memories, wrong impression given by going there, not sure enough of the food, don't feel like eating there, too expensive, etc. When all of these thoughts were racing around in my head, that was the point that I called him and made him decide. Dinner was good, we talked about random things and life and such. It was very comfortable and that's great. The problem was that I still need to know what is/has been going on in his head and he hasn't elaborated. I don't want to press or pry but I am frustrated because I know that I am more outgoing and whatever but my spilling my guts to him doesn't seem fair if I get nada in return. I enjoyed dinner and all but I don't know if can spend time one on one with him again for a while. It is tough. He looked very pensive tonight and I asked him what he was thinking and he didn't tell me. Other that coming out and saying "what the hell is going on in your head???" I'm not sure how to approach things because I have tried almost everything else I can think of. When he dropped me off I told him that I still want to know what is happening in his head at some point and he said, "ok" but I don't know if that's a "yes" or a blow off...
I have theory and two papers to work on, plus we are going to get groceries... I am going to go ice my knee for a few before I have to walk on it. It is swollen and it hurts and I don't know what else to do for it that I haven't aleady tried. (I should see about getting a physio appointment...)
I don't know what else to say so I think this is going to be it for today...
Today I slept in. I figured that I was up early yesterday and last night, after I posted my blog, I ended up talking to Will on the phone for a while... Almost an hour I think. We talked about random things and it was cool to talk to him. When we got off the phone, I watched the last half an hour of "Christmas with the Kranks" and then went to sleep. It was around 4am. :( And, I wonder why I can't sleep??? (Rhetorical question.) So I woke up and got up around noon. My mom called me the first time around 8 or so and then every about an hour until I got up at noon. She was calling to keep me informed about how John's curling games were going. They won last night so they played this morning at 10 and then they won this morning so they played this afternoon at 2. So I got up and did homework for a few, got ready/packed and left. I got to Claresholm around 4 and his game ended around 5. They were playing 10 ends and they were tied at the end of the 10th. So they played an 11th. It looked like it was going to come down to the last rock and was so tense! They won and that meant they were done for today but they play next weekend in Coleman (in the Crowsnest Pass) to determine who goes to Provincials or Nationals or something... I'm honestly not really sure, I just know that only 4 teams move on. And if they had lost this afternoon, they would have played tonight at 6. The funny thing about the 2:00 game was they were playing the team from LCC, which is all guys they know/go to school with/have curled with. It made for an interesting game.
By the time we got back to Lethbridge, it was too late to run some of the errands my mom and I had planned. So I came in and did a bit of homework before going out for dinner with Will. We went to East Side Mario's. It was interesting... He chose the restaurant and I'm glad I made him choose. I was trying to decide but (as per usual) I was overthinking it. I was going through the places we could go and ruling out some of them due to too much noise, too many memories, wrong impression given by going there, not sure enough of the food, don't feel like eating there, too expensive, etc. When all of these thoughts were racing around in my head, that was the point that I called him and made him decide. Dinner was good, we talked about random things and life and such. It was very comfortable and that's great. The problem was that I still need to know what is/has been going on in his head and he hasn't elaborated. I don't want to press or pry but I am frustrated because I know that I am more outgoing and whatever but my spilling my guts to him doesn't seem fair if I get nada in return. I enjoyed dinner and all but I don't know if can spend time one on one with him again for a while. It is tough. He looked very pensive tonight and I asked him what he was thinking and he didn't tell me. Other that coming out and saying "what the hell is going on in your head???" I'm not sure how to approach things because I have tried almost everything else I can think of. When he dropped me off I told him that I still want to know what is happening in his head at some point and he said, "ok" but I don't know if that's a "yes" or a blow off...
I have theory and two papers to work on, plus we are going to get groceries... I am going to go ice my knee for a few before I have to walk on it. It is swollen and it hurts and I don't know what else to do for it that I haven't aleady tried. (I should see about getting a physio appointment...)
I don't know what else to say so I think this is going to be it for today...
"Errands..." Shaun... WILD THING... Yay! (but strange...)
Today was a ton of fun!
My phone rang at 7:58am. I rolled over to answer it and realized that my alarm clock was about to go off... It was Shaun, calling to make sure I was awake and checking what time I was picking him up. We talked for a minute or so and afterwards, I got up. I had a shower and got dressed and left.
I got about a third of the way to Shaun's and realized that my cell phone was sitting on my bed so I turned around and went back for it. I got to his house around 9 and he poured me a cup of tea and we watched a few minutes of some weird movie and then left. He commented about me jeans (said he liked them :D) and I was glad he noticed, they are new and I really like them!
We dropped the rim off at AWR and it is going to cost me $100 to get it fixed so I think I will check some wreckage yards first. The lady there is going to hold it until I call her in regards to the repairs. Our first stop on the list of Silent Auction related stops was Axe Music on Blackfoot. I dropped off the letter about the Auction to the Sales manager, ran into Sandra's brother (who works there and doesn't remember ever meeting me...) and Shaun played one of the guitars. I don't remember the brand name but it reminds me of "sphinx" and other words that sound similar... He bought an AC/DC songbook and I bought a gift for a friend's birthday. Our next stop was Long & McQuade. I was not impressed with the guy I dealt with there. I told the guys at the counter who I needed to see and one of them called him. He told him that "some girl from the University of Lethbridge is here about a donation of a guitar for a Silent Auction." I said, "no! I am here about a donation to a Silent Auction, NOT a guitar for the Silent Auction!" and the guy was like, "oh." Dummy... *eyes rolling* And because of that, I may not get a donation from them! I was NOT impressed! Our next stop was St. John's music where I picked up some Clarinet Reeds, a Reed Case, a Chamois swab and the donation which is a really nice chromatic tuner. Shaun tested a guitar and it didn't have as nice a sound as the one at Axe. I didn't like the look of it as much either but whatever... :) He commented that if a bunch of his friends chipped in, he'd take a Daisy Rock guitar. I think they are so hilarious. The pink flower is definitely the one for him. :D He bought four (or five?) guitar straps and the complete AC/DC songbook... this thing makes most of my textbooks for school look tiny and they are pretty big! Our next stop was Vintage Guitars and they had some really cool stuff! The owner donated a Learn to play Harmonica thing that comes with a CD-ROM and a harmonica and case. Shaun saw a couple of pedals he really liked but he didn't want to spend the money right now (they were expensive!) so he is going to wait. He and I were talking on the way out of Vintage and I commented to him that it's too bad that places that sell guitars wouldn't donate something like a patch cord or strings or a strap or something. Also, it's interesting that none of the music stores have donated anything percussion related either.... Oh well. We went to the Movie Poster Shop next... I wasn't sure what to expect... I walked in and handed the letter to the guys behind the counter and they both looked completely lost. One of them made a phone call and then they started pulling posters. They pulled 9 posters in all, some are doubles but all are fun/cool, and each poster was marked at $22 retail... I was SHOCKED!!! Our last stop was Music Makers and they donated a harmonica in a case and it's really cool... I think it would be interesting to learn to play harmonica but honestly, I don't have the time to do that right now.
I went to my appointment at JC at Crowfoot at 1:30 and then we went for lunch at the Mongolie Grill. Shaun hadn't ever been there! It was cool watching him experience it for the first time. We over-ordered on purpose and even had dessert (not that we finished it all...) and sitting talking about stuff was cool. After lunch I took him home and he passed me off some miniature bottles of Scotch, Rye and Rum that he has from stuff he bought (they were attached) as I know a few people who will drink them and he won't. It was awesome to hang out with him today... We don't get to see each other very often and we didn't kill each other today which is always good!
I went home and put my leg up for a while to rest and chatted online and did some homework and reorganized some stuff and just basically chilled for a while. It was nice to be able to take a break... I don't get to do that enough while I am home on weekends, I am pretty much constantly running around.
Tonight there was WILD THING. The worship was amazing!!! The band was two TECites that haven't been around in a while (one who used to work in the kitchen at Entheos) and it was really cool to see them and the band did some songs that very few of us knew and others that I was really happy they did as I haven't heard them done in a worship setting in a while or ever. It was an amazing night for worship. One of the guys who was singing during the first set had an amazing voice. He had the kind of voice that makes it easeir to worship.... It made spending time in worship a lot calmer and easier. The talk tonight was about JW's and the similarities and differences between JW's and Christian's. It was interesting to hear about the minor and major differences between the two. It made me do a lot of thinking.... (I was already doing a lot of thinking though so it kind of made my head hurt by the end of the night...) Our small group had a great discussion but it was tough to discuss this without seeming somewhat biased as we are a Christian group. Anyway, I prayed for a while during the second set and I felt a lot better about some of the stuff that has been weighing me down lately (family, school, friends, health, relationships, etc.) and I felt more in touch with the worship and less like I was weighed down afterwards. The pew I was sitting in was interesting but I found it to be distracting during the first set. I love the girls I was glad to be included and all but I felt really old by comparison to them... During the second set Ben and Matt joined us. It was nice to be surrounded by my friends but after praying and worship, I needed my own space and I went for a bit of a walk outside. It was chilly and windy but I spent some time sitting outside and then went back in. I got up and asked for prayer for myself during the next couple of weeks and for the friend who is sick (I am SO worried about her!) and praise that I could be there tonight and for the worship... I said that I needed a space to spend time with God and the worship provided it and that was awesome. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way...
After THING we went to Moxie's and the mix at the table was interesting. Mike came to meet us and it was really great to see him! Ben was the oldest at the table and there was four of us at the end of the table that were around the same age and at the opposite end was a group around 20 to 21. The group in the middle of the table was all 16 to 17 and you could see/hear the difference between the groups. I was sitting between Ben and Mike and it was good to be sitting between two of my favourite guys. We had some interesting conversations, ranging from creation to feminie hygiene product purchase and it was funny to hear some people's opinions or watch some people's reactions. At the end of the night, once everyone had paid their bills, Mike and I sat and talked about a bunch of stuff. It was nice to talk to him. The nice thing about my friendship with Mike is that even if he and I don't see each other for months at a time, it's like no time has passed.
Now, I'm home and I'm tired but I have a lot on my mind. I am going for dinner with Will tomorrow night and I am really looking forward to it on one hand but on the other hand, I am kind of nervous/scared. He and I still haven't really sorted out what was going on in both of our heads (mainly, I don't know what in his) and I don't know if I want to deal with that right now. I will have to figure that out sooner rather than later.
My phone rang at 7:58am. I rolled over to answer it and realized that my alarm clock was about to go off... It was Shaun, calling to make sure I was awake and checking what time I was picking him up. We talked for a minute or so and afterwards, I got up. I had a shower and got dressed and left.
I got about a third of the way to Shaun's and realized that my cell phone was sitting on my bed so I turned around and went back for it. I got to his house around 9 and he poured me a cup of tea and we watched a few minutes of some weird movie and then left. He commented about me jeans (said he liked them :D) and I was glad he noticed, they are new and I really like them!
We dropped the rim off at AWR and it is going to cost me $100 to get it fixed so I think I will check some wreckage yards first. The lady there is going to hold it until I call her in regards to the repairs. Our first stop on the list of Silent Auction related stops was Axe Music on Blackfoot. I dropped off the letter about the Auction to the Sales manager, ran into Sandra's brother (who works there and doesn't remember ever meeting me...) and Shaun played one of the guitars. I don't remember the brand name but it reminds me of "sphinx" and other words that sound similar... He bought an AC/DC songbook and I bought a gift for a friend's birthday. Our next stop was Long & McQuade. I was not impressed with the guy I dealt with there. I told the guys at the counter who I needed to see and one of them called him. He told him that "some girl from the University of Lethbridge is here about a donation of a guitar for a Silent Auction." I said, "no! I am here about a donation to a Silent Auction, NOT a guitar for the Silent Auction!" and the guy was like, "oh." Dummy... *eyes rolling* And because of that, I may not get a donation from them! I was NOT impressed! Our next stop was St. John's music where I picked up some Clarinet Reeds, a Reed Case, a Chamois swab and the donation which is a really nice chromatic tuner. Shaun tested a guitar and it didn't have as nice a sound as the one at Axe. I didn't like the look of it as much either but whatever... :) He commented that if a bunch of his friends chipped in, he'd take a Daisy Rock guitar. I think they are so hilarious. The pink flower is definitely the one for him. :D He bought four (or five?) guitar straps and the complete AC/DC songbook... this thing makes most of my textbooks for school look tiny and they are pretty big! Our next stop was Vintage Guitars and they had some really cool stuff! The owner donated a Learn to play Harmonica thing that comes with a CD-ROM and a harmonica and case. Shaun saw a couple of pedals he really liked but he didn't want to spend the money right now (they were expensive!) so he is going to wait. He and I were talking on the way out of Vintage and I commented to him that it's too bad that places that sell guitars wouldn't donate something like a patch cord or strings or a strap or something. Also, it's interesting that none of the music stores have donated anything percussion related either.... Oh well. We went to the Movie Poster Shop next... I wasn't sure what to expect... I walked in and handed the letter to the guys behind the counter and they both looked completely lost. One of them made a phone call and then they started pulling posters. They pulled 9 posters in all, some are doubles but all are fun/cool, and each poster was marked at $22 retail... I was SHOCKED!!! Our last stop was Music Makers and they donated a harmonica in a case and it's really cool... I think it would be interesting to learn to play harmonica but honestly, I don't have the time to do that right now.
I went to my appointment at JC at Crowfoot at 1:30 and then we went for lunch at the Mongolie Grill. Shaun hadn't ever been there! It was cool watching him experience it for the first time. We over-ordered on purpose and even had dessert (not that we finished it all...) and sitting talking about stuff was cool. After lunch I took him home and he passed me off some miniature bottles of Scotch, Rye and Rum that he has from stuff he bought (they were attached) as I know a few people who will drink them and he won't. It was awesome to hang out with him today... We don't get to see each other very often and we didn't kill each other today which is always good!
I went home and put my leg up for a while to rest and chatted online and did some homework and reorganized some stuff and just basically chilled for a while. It was nice to be able to take a break... I don't get to do that enough while I am home on weekends, I am pretty much constantly running around.
Tonight there was WILD THING. The worship was amazing!!! The band was two TECites that haven't been around in a while (one who used to work in the kitchen at Entheos) and it was really cool to see them and the band did some songs that very few of us knew and others that I was really happy they did as I haven't heard them done in a worship setting in a while or ever. It was an amazing night for worship. One of the guys who was singing during the first set had an amazing voice. He had the kind of voice that makes it easeir to worship.... It made spending time in worship a lot calmer and easier. The talk tonight was about JW's and the similarities and differences between JW's and Christian's. It was interesting to hear about the minor and major differences between the two. It made me do a lot of thinking.... (I was already doing a lot of thinking though so it kind of made my head hurt by the end of the night...) Our small group had a great discussion but it was tough to discuss this without seeming somewhat biased as we are a Christian group. Anyway, I prayed for a while during the second set and I felt a lot better about some of the stuff that has been weighing me down lately (family, school, friends, health, relationships, etc.) and I felt more in touch with the worship and less like I was weighed down afterwards. The pew I was sitting in was interesting but I found it to be distracting during the first set. I love the girls I was glad to be included and all but I felt really old by comparison to them... During the second set Ben and Matt joined us. It was nice to be surrounded by my friends but after praying and worship, I needed my own space and I went for a bit of a walk outside. It was chilly and windy but I spent some time sitting outside and then went back in. I got up and asked for prayer for myself during the next couple of weeks and for the friend who is sick (I am SO worried about her!) and praise that I could be there tonight and for the worship... I said that I needed a space to spend time with God and the worship provided it and that was awesome. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way...
After THING we went to Moxie's and the mix at the table was interesting. Mike came to meet us and it was really great to see him! Ben was the oldest at the table and there was four of us at the end of the table that were around the same age and at the opposite end was a group around 20 to 21. The group in the middle of the table was all 16 to 17 and you could see/hear the difference between the groups. I was sitting between Ben and Mike and it was good to be sitting between two of my favourite guys. We had some interesting conversations, ranging from creation to feminie hygiene product purchase and it was funny to hear some people's opinions or watch some people's reactions. At the end of the night, once everyone had paid their bills, Mike and I sat and talked about a bunch of stuff. It was nice to talk to him. The nice thing about my friendship with Mike is that even if he and I don't see each other for months at a time, it's like no time has passed.
Now, I'm home and I'm tired but I have a lot on my mind. I am going for dinner with Will tomorrow night and I am really looking forward to it on one hand but on the other hand, I am kind of nervous/scared. He and I still haven't really sorted out what was going on in both of our heads (mainly, I don't know what in his) and I don't know if I want to deal with that right now. I will have to figure that out sooner rather than later.
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