Ok, so I was feeling slightly ill on January 1st and consdering I hadn't been drinking the night before, I found that odd but just went to bed early and didn't think much of it. So, when I woke up on the 2nd and was feeling like I had been it by a truck (dizzy, nauseous, sore throat, congested, etc.) so I called in sick (which I NEVER do, my boss seriously thought I was dying) and slept for most of the day. I saw a doctor the next day and was told I had a sinus infection which I get a lot of so I figured, "oh well, another one" and took the prescription and left. I was supposed to be back in class by the 4th and that wasn't going to happen. My mom and I drove down to Lethbridge on the 5th to buy my textbooks and I slept the entire way down and back in the passenger seat. By that weekend, I was feeling worse.
My mom took me to the Foothills because all of the walk-in clinics were booked solid and not taking anymore patients and they were on 10-11 hour wait. She called the Health-Link number and was told she should take me to the High River or Strathmore hospital's because neither of them takes trauma patients. So, she packed me back into the car and we drove to High River. After 4 hours in their emergency room, I was told I also had bronchitis. I hate being sick and while I don't normally let it knock me flat, by that point, I was willing to take whatever they were going to give me. I was barely eating and pretty much living on Green Tea and water. So, the doctor gave me a prescription for Robitussin with codeine and I took it once and it made me throw up. I figured it had to do with the food I tried to eat before taking it and tried again and the same thing happened. So, we're (my mom and I) not sure if I'm allergic to Robitussin or codeine. I've taken stuff with codeine before and never had a problem but it also could have been my body rejecting it.
By Thursday of that week, I was still hacking up a lung, I only had two days of my original prescription left and I was so unsteady on my feet it was stupid. I went to the walk-in clinic by my house and the doctor there sent me for blood work and x-rays (which he was surprised no one had done yet) and he gave me a new prescription. The clinic where I had my bloodwork done made me lay down because they were afraid I was going to pass out. (Apparently I looked like crap...) The next morning, I got a phone call from the clinic telling me I had microplasm(ic?) pneumonia in my right lung. It made me feel a bit better (mentally anyway) to know that I wasn't stupid and coughing all the time for no reason.
So, I went back in to check in with the doctor a week later and was told that I wasn't allowed to go back to school until after Jan. 21 and even then, I had to take it easy. I went to the Orchestra Cabaret with my mom, my brother, Emily, Jordan, Bradford, his friend Vicky and my friend Steve and while I didn't dance (it would have probably knocked me flat on my butt) it was nice to see my friends and mingle a bit. I mostly sat at the table and chatted with people. Plus, my mom and I had a bunch of stuff that was donated to the silent auction so we wanted to see how it went. I donated a bunch of bracelets I made and a watch and such and while they were listed as "anonymous donor" apparently a couple of people knew and they mentioned it to other people... On one hand, it was cool to get kudos for my designs but on the other, I was having a hard time accepting them... Either way, they seem to have sold well, my mom actually ended up buying a couple with a metronome (they were a "package") and I bought a mani/pedi thing and negotiated with a friend so I ended up with the bear from the Valentine's Gift Basket we had donated (he's a Build-a-Bear and he's wearing a bee suit and it says "Bee Mine") and some movie passes for John and Holly. All in all, it was a good night.
I went back to class on Jan. 22 and I felt like I was WAY behind. I was still pretty wobbly and my mom didn't want me driving so I didn't have my car down here... I took a cab to and from school (with the exception of a couple of days when John picked me up) and it made life very interesting. I had missed almost three weeks of class. This semester, I'm taking Kinesiology 1000 (its my last General Elective and Social Science requirement), Music 3000 - Seminar in Music History: Electronic Music post-1945, Orchestra and Musicianship IV. The only course I don't need to graduate at this point is Orchestra and the others are all required in some form. I can't currently play in Orchestra and it's frustrating. I tried once and it caused me to have a major asthma attack, or what felt like one anyway. In regards to my classes, it's funny (in an ironic kind of way) because Kines 1000 is the prerequisite for almost every other Kines class and I have a bunch of senior level classes but not that one. I'm looking forward to finishing it as some days, I feel as though I know a lot of it and I've "heard it before" and it's frustrating at times. I'm still getting caught up to a point and it's annoying. I hate homework some days and most days right now, I have hours and hours of it. I have labs for Kines, listenings for Musicianship and History, Chapter summaries for History, etc. and I'm finding it overwhelming... Gah! All I want to do some days is crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head and just ignore the rest of the world!
On the 26th, I went in for a check-up and follow-up x-rays. The doctor I saw said he'd rather wait a week as pneumonia will do damage to the lung and it would be hard to tell anything. I was just finished my prescription and he said I would still be coughing and to take my inhalers but not to worry too much and come back Thursday or Friday the following week. So, Thursday I went in for x-rays. When the doctor came in to look at the x-rays and then called me in, I still have infection in my right lung and there is also infection showing on the x-rays in my left lung. So, I'm back on meds. It makes more sense as to why I have still been feeling tired and coughing a lot. I hate being sick and while I am told that the new meds should kill this, I have already been told that twice and I am going to go at least check in with someone later this week. I have to say, I'm glad that we don't pay per doctor's visit. I hate doctor's as it is but lately, I have seen a lot of them. :(