So, I just got back from the UK.
I have to admit, the trip wasn't exactly what I was expecting it would be. I pictured getting the chance to hop on the train and go to Scotland and check out a few of the smaller cities and towns around Leeds.
As it was, I did spend a day in Manchester with Janet, Shannon and I went to London for 3 days and I got to see Sue and Trev and meet their son Daniel who is just younger than me (23, I believe?) and we saw two broadway shows while we were there.
I LOVED Fame! I was stoked to see it and was glad we had the opportunity to go. :) I also really, really enjoyed Wicked! I wasn't so sure I was going to but I liked it WAY better than I had anticipated! Otherwise, I did a bunch of shopping, got to ride all over London and Leeds by bus and taxi and got to meet a bunch of Shannon's friends.
The night I got there, her friend Melanie was having a house party which we went to. I had fun but I felt a little out of place as they were all "Master's" students and I didn't really know anyone. I ended up chatting with a couple of Shannon's friends (Carly and Ben) and we danced and sang along with a bunch of older American music. :) Things like "RESPECT" by Aretha and others... It was pretty fun. I saw but did not get a chance to meet her friend John that night but we ended up going out for drinks another night with Rati, Dima, Ken and John and I had the chance to sit and chat with all of them. We also went for dinner with Carly another night which was fun. We had Italian (which I LOVE!).
I also had the opportunity to try Thai food for the first time and we went to a Thai-fusion restaurant as well. We also had sushi (I'd had sushi before but not like this place!) and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe (the first one to open) in London and I went to the one in Leeds as well. I love places like that because of their history and there are SO many stories! :) We didn't get a chance to tour the vault in London but I will go back someday! ;)
I loved seeing the sights in London and I want to go back to see Baden-Powell house sometime. The shoppes were amazing but the prices were exorbitant and I don't know how people actually LIVE in London! It was insane! We did go to Harrod's though, which was fun! I also went to Hamley's and bought some random souvenir's there for people. A 6 story toy store, how could I resist! ;)
I enjoyed seeing where Shannon is living and going to school. There is a great little Moroccan place by her flat that was fun! We went there a couple of times for breakfast or lunch. I enjoyed exploring on my own as well! The castles and cathedrals were gorgeous!
We had the time to see a few movies while I was there and they were nice breaks... I also found THE BEST drink ever at Starbucks in the UK! And for the record, McDonald's tastes different... It was cool though, at the movies you could buy little cups of ice cream and they had the little plastic spoon in the lid and everything... It was fun! :) Ben and Jerry's is everywhere there!
Shannon and I had our ups and downs and I think that if I were to do it again, I would probably not spend the entire time staying in one place with one person. I would also rather travel WITH someone as the flights there and back (with the connections) were kind of insane! I'm hoping that we are still friends now that this is all over...
Edit: I DO have pictures from this trip! I just haven't posted them anywhere yet due to being insanely busy with work! I promise I will get them up soon!