Saturday, December 17, 2005

Ignoring him, exam and wrapping...

This morning the phone rang. I rolled over and answered it, figuring it was my mom calling to wake my brother up because he had an exam first thing and not looking at the clock. Not so much. Turns out it was my dad and it was 4:30am. All I got back on the other end was a long line of swearing and such so I hung up. The phone rang again. I didn't answer it this time. He left a message and among the swearing was names calling and accusations that were completely not valid. When he called the third time, I didn't answer, he left a message and I took the phone off the hook. I then spent an hour and a half on the phone trying to fix some of the damage he had done in the phone calls he had previously made (based on what I understood around the demeaning names and profanity) and then tried to get a little more sleep.

Will called around 7:30 because I had called him to ask if he had a tape recorder and couldn't reach him (that was around 6:15, I knew he'd be at work but didn't know if he would have his cell with him or not...) and I told him I would call him later, I didn't feel much like talking. I fell back asleep until around 9:00 and the got up and dressed and ready to go to my exam which was at 10.

I am feeling pretty shaky now, even as I write this and during the exam, I wasn't feeling much better. I wrote as much as I could for the three essay-type questions and tried not to repeat myself of put in unnecessary information. I finished in a little under 2 hours, handed in my final paper as well and then John picked me up.

I was talking to my grandpa when he picked me up and I found out my dad has been going through and opening some of my mail and such at their house (which is technically MY house) so I may need to make some phone calls to change my mailing address on things again, this time to Lethbridge... My grandpa said he is trying to pull mail for me before my dad can see it and he is hiding it and I am expecing a couple of packages in the next couple of weeks so he said he will make sure those go somewhere safe as well. I also talked to my mom and she is trying to get a hold of dad's doctor's and has had no luck so far... :(

We came home and I had a nap until it was time to go to my dr's appointment at 3:00. John had an exam this afternoon as well so he dropped me off, I went to my appointment and then I walked home. I have to say, it was colder than I had anticipated...

John got home and he and I wrapped presents for a bit and then he ran out to get pizza for dinner and potatoes because I need them for tomorrow (I am taking mashed potatoes to the potluck I am going to) and then Holly came over. (Holly is a friend of John's.) They helped me wrap presents and now they are all done with only a few exceptions that I am not sure if I am supposed to wrap because I have to check with my mom. At one point John and Holly ran out to Wal-Mart to get Will a present from John (kind of an inside joke) and I can't wait to see the reaction tomorrow!

I am currently waiting to hear that my mom got home from her staff Christmas party okay and I just checked my messages on my pager and I have 2 new ones from my dad, left around 5:30am today... So, that means he left me a total of 5 messages on various answering machines... *sigh* I wish he would just leave me alone.

Just as an FYI for anyone who wants to know, I am probably staying at my cousins house in Cochrane while I am home if things with my dad don't settle down. They are going to be out of town and I have the place to myself. I will, however, welcome company!

I'm going to go wait for my mom to call and read a book or something... Night...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Phone calls, packages, exam and a paper...

Ok, this morning I got up and had a migraine. I downed a couple of advil and some water and decided I wasn't going to let it kill me. I woke up a couple of hours before I needed to be anywhere (around 7:30) and hung out...

John drove me to my exam and I wrote it and I figure I did ok. I don't think I got an A on it or anything but I at least passed it. I got a couple of assignments back and I got a 95% on my Film Music project and a 90% on my Analysis #3 so I am pretty happy. Also, I either just barely passed or just barely failed the ear training quiz I was freaking out over but whatever...
John picked me up and then he and I ran some errands downtown and then came home so he could lay down for a bit and I could tighten up my references/footnotes in my essay and fit in my musical examples. He told me there was a package for me from DHL and it turns out it was a package I had given to someone that they sent back to me. I wasn't very happy about it but what can I do. All I can say right now is he will have to grow up sooner or later...

I ended up spending almost an hour on the phone with Rogers to get a new phone on my Lethbridge number (I haven't had a phone on it and have been paying through the nose since July) and to try and get a phone added for John. The long and the short of it ended up being that they will send me one phone and the other one I can go pick up in store on Sunday so John and I are going to go do that and mine should be in Calgary on Monday or Tuesday. (It's pink!!!)

So I drove John to curling and came back to use his printer and his computer was passworded and the password I thought should work, didn't. I couldn't get a hold of him to get the password so I sat and read my textbook for my final tomorrow until he needed to be picked up. We stopped at the College so he could check when his exams are and then came home. I printed off my paper and I am a genius!!! All of the paces I left for my examples are perfect and I don't have to reprint it at all! YAY! So it is done, hole punched and in a duotang to hand in first thing tomorrow!

I have one exam tomorrow and another on Monday... I am more freaked about the one tomorrow than the one on Monday. The one on Monday is theory and I'm pretty confident in my skills in that class. History is another story... I need all the prayer I can get on that one. Anyway, I'm going to bed. I need some sleep before my exam at 10am tomorrow. Night!

Not doing well....

Today I woke up in tears. This is quite abnormal for me. I have had it happen in the past when I have had nightmares or whatever and in grade 12 there were some mornings I woke up like that but not in a very long time. I wasn't sure why I was like that but I knew I wasn't doing so hot.

I called the head of disability services, the counsellor I deal with at school and my professor to see what I could do about my exam. I was in tears, shaky and dizzy, the combination of which was making me kind of sea sick... I finally got a hold of my prof and he told me I could write the exam on Friday... After thanking him profusely, I collapsed back into bed and slept for about 4 hours.

When I got up, I felt a bit better, I guess the emotional stress of the last few days had taken it's toll on me more heavily than I had realized. I put the finishing touches on my paper and organized my musical examples to take to Staples later to photocopy them and went to have a shower. I had some Lemon Meringue yogurt (it's Source brand and it's pretty good) and some raspberries and read for a bit.

John asked if he could take the car to go meet a friend and I let him and then I went back in and watched T.V. and studied for my Film Music test. When John got back he made Chicken Noodle Soup with crackers for dinner and then I drove him to curling and I went to Staples to photocopy the musical examples and then to the University to return some library books. I came home for long enough to do a bit of reading and talk to Matt and Brit online for a few and then I went back to get John. He and I came home and I read and watched T.V. for a bit before bed...

I'm pretty tired so I am going to be fairly early (1am instead of 3am) but I will see if I can actually fall asleep...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Phones, Travel and Studying.

When I woke up at 6am *groan* and tried to call my mom to see if I could take the later bus, my cell redirected me to Rogers. I was not impressed. So I called mom from a land line, called Rogers and fixed things, called Ben and told him I was going to take the later bus and went back to sleep.

I got up at 11 or so and then studied for a bit and talked to my mom on the phone. She told me that my dad had called and found out the balance on my home phone bill was over $400 (which is definitely not normal!) and I needed to call and put a payment on it. I called Telus as I had already put several payments on it and couldn't figure out why John would have called me from Lethbridge and then mom to sy that they were going to cut off our phone service at the house... As it turns out, they had changed our account ID# without informing me of the new one and had been letting me put the payments through on the old ID# and the payments were basically just sitting there. The agent transferred the payments to the new ID# and we are ok. I also had her put a password on the account as what my dad had done was called and said "who he was" but he'd said he was "John the roommate" not "John the father of the roommate." So, two John's same last name, no one questioned it and they gave him information that was none of his business. So he now doesn't have access to that information as he shouldn't have had access and they shouldn't have given him the information to begin with. I was pretty much livid when she told me, "your roommate John called early this morning for a balance check on the account" when my roommate John would have been ASLEEP at the time of the call.... Grrr.... It's fixed now.

Anyway, I called Ben around noon and asked him if he could still give me a ride to the bus to be there by 1. He said no problem... He picked me up around 12:45 and made small talk with my grandpa and we drove to the bus station. I felt weird having so many bags.. One small one with clothes, a rolling suitcase with Christmas presents in it, one full of textbooks and my laptop case with my laptop and textbooks in it. I could take two on the bus and two off. Ben thought it was kind of funny that my smallest bag was my bag of clothes. And that the bag also had a pair of winter boots in it... :)

I bought my ticket and Ben sat with me and we chatted and such until they made the boarding call for my bus and then Ben left. I lined up to board...

I got a seat by myself for the entire trip. I did some reading (romance novel, school books, etc.), some work on my essay and napped for a little while. I also ate the snack/lunch I had brought (leftover Lipshevnik, yougurt smoothie, lemonade, applesauce, granola bar) and watched the scenery go by. It wasn't as bad a trip as others I have taken. The bus only stopped in South Calgary, High River, Nanton, Claresholm and Fort MacLeod before Lethbridge instead of every little town. I got back to Lethbridge and the bus station was literally crawling with police officers. John met me and helped me carry my bags. Turns out, they were looking for this mom and little girl I had been talking to as I had waited to board in Calgary... The little girl had told me she was 5 today. She had just gotten her Cabbage Patch Doll at her birthday party yesterday and they were going to visit family. They are from Drumheller. She was really proud of her Winnie-the-Pooh suitcase with the wheels and handle that she could pull like her moms. It seemed sad that the police were looking for them... Abduction or something was what John figured. Weird.

We stopped and picked up groceries because we were majorly low on milk and I picked up some cherries and raspberries and we needed cheese and bread... We also got pop because it was on sale...

I came home and went straight to work on my essay. I checked my e-mail and had a ton of new ones that I disregarded if they weren't important and the only one I read was one from my dad that really upset me. It upset me enough that I am now emotionally exhausted again... I was feeling kind of tired to begin with and fairly emotionally raw from my weekend at home, especially the past 48 hours. I am finished my essay, all except getting it printed and fitting the musical examples in. I will do that in the morning... For now, sleep is good.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Long day... I am emotionally exhausted. :'(

Last night I said I was going to do some work and go to bed early. So I was working and talking to Ben online and he didn't realize I was still in Calgary. He asked if I wanted to go for coffee or whatever and I said yes but I didn't have a car and he offered to come pick me up. Around 11pm, I heard the back door being unlocked. Now, considering my grandma doesn't have her keys, my brother is in Lethbridge, my grandpa was asleep and I was under the impression that both of my parents were at home asleep, this kind of freaked me out. Turns out, it was my dad. He was dropping off/picking up some stuff. So I helped him move some stuff into the house and when Ben got here he got drafted into moving stuff too. We excused ourselves and left finally and went to Boston Pizza. We had BBQ Chicken pizza and I had a Bellini and Ben had a couple of Peach smoothies and then we drove around and talked. Actually, we drove all the way out to Cochrane and back and then sat in my living room and talked. Ben left just before 4am and then I did a few things towards my paper and went to bed. He and I had an amazing conversation and I feel like we are closer than ever...

This morning, I intended to get up early. But after going to bed at almost 6 (by the time I got there) it didn't really happen.

I got up to my mom calling to say that my dad was up and about and hadn’t come home last night until late… She woke up around 4:30 and he still wasn’t home. I told her that I was still up at 4:30 and I knew he hadn’t been at my house so I was no help. She went on to tell me that when she got up around 6:30 or so, he had apparently turned off the power in the house for some reason so she had gotten ready for work in the dark. I’m not sure what is going on there but he is back to acting weird.

I went upstairs to have a shower and get ready for the rest of the day after hanging out and reading a book and doing some other stuff for a while and sat and talked to my grandpa and the phone rang. It was my dad calling to say he was about to leave, he would be over in about half an hour. I ran back downstairs and got my clothes, ran through the shower without washing my hair, got dressed and flat-ironed my hair (and burned my left pointer finger on the flat-iron), threw some stuff into my laptop case and grabbed my boots and a sweatshirt and ran out to back door as my dad walked in the front door. I put my boots on outside on the back deck and then walked down the alley. I called a cab (my bag was A LOT heavier than I had anticipated) and me it on the cross street, after avoiding my dad as he drove my grandpa’s car down the alley and around the block and then got into the cab and met my mom at North Hill. She and I ran some errands, including picking up a Silent Auction donation from Calgary Jewellery and going to Carlton Cards (for Rick and Joyce’s present) and Bentley at Market Mall. I got a new purse (my older one is white with a flower print and while it’s fun, it’s not exactly appropriate for everyday winter usage) and bought my mom a Christmas gift. We also stopped at Staples and photocopied the McCrimmon Christmas letter onto appropriate paper so it could go into their Christmas cards so those can be mailed.

We got back to my house and mom and I went to work making Lipshevnik so I could take it to Britney’s. It was done in pretty much record time but as we were about to pull it out of the oven, Dad and Papa showed back up. Dad was giving me a hard time about a bunch of different things (where I was going, what I was taking, why was I taking a present, etc.) and I finally just ignored him and left... Sometimes, it’s easier to ignore him because then he can’t take however I react and work with it. Mom and I argued on the way across town because of it though and that was no fun. I hate that he still has that much power over our lives. :(

Mom dropped me off at Brit’s around 7. She agreed to come back around 9:30 whether I needed a ride home at that point or not so we could figure out a bus ticket. I knew I would have a ride home with one of my friends if I needed it so it wasn’t really an issue. It was cool to see who was at Brit’s… Her mom greeted me like a long lost daughter which was interesting because I kind of thought she hated me when we were younger… But Korrina, Meghan, Tammy, John and Matt were already there, plus some people Brit knows through school. Ben came a bit later and Courtney and Lindsay joined us when they got home as well. I was surprised Taryn didn’t come though. We all had fun hanging out, eating and talking… I've decided that Matt and I spend too much time together... I moved my purse from one room to another and he commented on it being new, which it is. On one hand, I am VERY impressed that he noticed, on the other hand, I think we may see each other too much. :D We played some board games, such as “Bibleopoly” (which we killed pretty quick - we decided if we are going to play it, it might have to be the weekend people come down for the Cab or some weekend when we are drinking and then we will make up "interesting" rules), Settlers of Catan, Rummykub, Uno, Table Hockey and Chess. As the evening dwindled, Brit brought out her guitar and sang for us, we sang a couple of songs and then we broke into smaller groups and sat around and talked. I ran out with my mom and organized finances for the bus tomorrow and then came back. It started out as all of us in the living room having two or three different conversations and then ended up as Ben, Courtney and Meghan in the living room in one conversation and Brit, Lori, Jan (I’m guessing on the spelling, his name is said “Yan”) and I in the family room having another. It was an interesting conversation to say the least…

We finally left Brit’s around 1am and then Ben drove me home. I was too tired to do much more then come in and go to bed but sometimes, life doesn’t always work out the way you had intended…

I had most of my stuff packed and when I went to finish packing (including food for the bus) I found that the cherries I had bought (that I had to negotiate with my mom to buy) weren’t in the fridge. Not only were they not where I had put them though, they weren’t anywhere in the fridge, either upstairs or down. I realized that I hadn’t seen them earlier in the day either… I called my parents house (yes, I am aware it was 1:30am) and got my dad. I asked about them and got back, “oops. Well, I wanted a snack and they were there so I ate them. Why, were they yours?” When I said, “they were my breakfast for the bus tomorrow!” he replied with, “what time did you need them for?” to which I said, “before 7am!” I told him that he was inconsiderate and that I couldn’t believe that he wouldn’t even think to check or leave a note or something!!! I couldn’t believe how selfish and thoughtless he had been! I know it seems like a stupid thing to be upset about but I was raised in a household where if you weren’t sure about something in the fridge (like, whose it was) you didn’t eat it! And the chances of my grandpa having cherries in December, let alone having cherries at all, would be none to nada to zilch! The other thing is, there is tons of other things in the house he could have snacked on and he didn’t, I had shared other things with him earlier that evening that he had later complained about because they weren’t cold enough (they were cold when I gave them to him but when you let them sit for 4 hours, they tend to warm up) and they were apparently “gross” when they were warm… Somehow, I’m not seeing how that is MY fault. (Added later.) I finally went to bed around 3… He tried calling here after that and I told him not to call the house again or he would wake up my grandpa which isn’t fair to him. I then hung up and tried to get some sleep…

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Today began quite uneventfully… After going to bed so late (this time, not so much on purpose…) I got up fairly late and putzed around the house for a bit (reading and studying and such) and talked to my grandpa as he got ready to go out and then had a shower. My mom and brother showed up about 15 minutes after my grandpa left and I got my stuff out of my car so my brother could leave for Lethbridge. (I gave him my car to get back and I will be taking the bus back Tuesday morning.)

My mom and I worked on our Christmas cards and my grandparent’s Christmas cards for a couple of hours and all we have to do is put the Christmas letters in them and seal them and send them. After, we went to the mall to visit Sandra at Carlton so I could get some Christmas cards and such. It was nice to see her… She looked absolutely wiped… Mom and I hung out at the mall and had a cinnamon bun and then drove to pick something up for dad for dinner and dropped it off at their house and then went to the Winter Club for a swim and something for dinner. We ended up eating first and it was interesting… We both ordered an actual “drink” with dinner and when the waiter came to ask about refills we ordered a pop each. He looked kind of surprised but got them for us. So my mom didn’t want to finish hers and asked if I wanted it and I said “yes” so she poured it into mine (we were drinking the same thing) and the waiter came back and saw her empty glass, picked up our other two empties and came back with a refill of her pop! I would like to point out that neither of us had touched the food we were sharing for about 10 minutes at that point and she switched me glasses and then I walked over and politely asked for our bill. Then went down to the pool and sat in the hot tub for a bit but neither of us really felt like swimming so we got out after about 20 minutes and rinsed off. We stopped at Safeway for a few things to make the dish for the potluck I am going to tomorrow night at Brit’s and a couple of things my grandpa needed and we drove past the lights at Confederation Park because I didn’t get to see them last year and then my mom dropped me off.

Now, I am writing this and then I am going to go put groceries away and try to go to bed early tonight. I am also going to try to figure out how to mend things with Ben (I don't like people being mad at me or whatever...) and get some peaceful rest…

:) :) :) to :S :( :) :S to :'( :'( :'(

Today was interesting. I got to sleep in MAJORLY which rocked! I got up at like 1pm. Going to bed at 4am and still being awake at 4:30 wasn’t so great though.

I got up, got ready to go out, talked to my Mom for a bit (she was over) and then went to my normal Saturday J.C. appointment at Crowfoot. It was a good appointment and I stopped at Booster Juice for me (as a treat for such a good appointment!) and Wendy’s for John on my way back to Safeway to meet Mom and John. As I was driving, Matt called to say that he was going to pick up Dana and then me and then James (on the opposite side of the freaking city) and then we would go to the church so I said I would probably figure something else out. At Safeway, I picked up a few things (food and such) that I needed and then came home for a few. Mom agreed to either drive me to the church or come pick up my car from the church so I called Matt and told him he didn’t need to come get me.

I watched some completely mindless T.V. for about an hour and then headed for the church. My bro came in to drop some stuff off and tell me he was taking the car.

Just after 6, we started our meeting. It went ok. I wish people would have talked more… the problem was that the people who have been more involved or who tend to be more vocal were the people who weren’t there tonight and that was frustrating. And one of the people who was there basically bailed on us right after one of the pizza sales, then recently said she still wants to help out and told the executive she didn’t even know why she was there, it made it sound like I had forced her to be there or something… I found that hard… I kind of felt like I came off as an incompetent leader and like we (as the committee) aren’t doing anything and that sucked.

THING went really well. Shannon was talking about Shepherds. She spoke about them in reference to the Christmas story and then in reference to daily life as it speaks to them in the bible. She talked about various biblical figures who were considered to be shepherds. The questions she gave us were personal enough to make us think, which made for good discussion. Our group was pretty small tonight… there were 6 of us and we got pretty in-depth and personal about people who have been Shepherds in our lives and being Shepherds to others. We went a little overtime but the discussion was awesome!

I went up to Laurel after small groups and gave her a hug. She asked why I was giving her a hug and I said for making such a difference in my life. I honestly don’t know if I would be the same person I am today if it wasn’t for her friendship. I have a lot of people in my life like that and I don’t give them enough credit… I had asked her to pray with me earlier in the evening and I felt a lot better after it. I’m glad I have her and people like her in my life. (I got a Christmas present from her and one from Ken tonight but I won’t open them yet… Ken’s jingles!) Ken and I are going to try and go for lunch for both of our birthday's (as we have yet to go for mine and his is in January) while I am home over Christmas.

As we were leaving the church Adam showed up and it was good to see him, it has been a while… I tried to convince Trev to come with us (I am REALLY sick of Tim's) and he and I have made plans to go out for dinner sometime while I am home over Christmas. Apparently he has a week off so we will see what happens! We went to Moxie’s after THING and I got a ride with Sandra as Ben and Nathan had yet to show up. When we got to Moxie’s, Meghan was there with her brother, Nick. We invited them to join us and they came over and sat with us after they finished their food. LJ and Amanda were also there, sitting at a different table. Kevin ended up sitting with them… Ben called me to find out where we were and I told him and he and Nathan came to meet us. Our table was Adam, Elsje, Alexis, James, Kirsten, Graham, Sandra, Matt, Nick, Meghan, Ben, Nathan and I. It was fun talking to and hanging out with this group, they were quite a bit older and more varied interest-wise from last week. I was kind of bothered by the fact that Ben and Nathan had completely missed THING but Nathan told me that last night after they had walked into the house, Ben had said, “if we go,” right after he told me they would see me at THING. It hurt that he would basically lie to my face… Ben came back and asked if I needed a ride home and I told him Sandra was giving me a ride and he said, “Santa? Santa is giving you a ride? But there isn’t enough snow!” and the people at that end of the table laughed… I didn’t think it was nearly as funny. I took a walk to get some air (I was feeling pretty claustrophobic, it was a long night, a lot of people and it was starting to feel like an enclosed space…) and Meghan came out after me to make sure I was okay. We talked and I said that I was fine, just feeling a little penned in. She asked if I was mad or frustrated or anything and I said no. I wasn’t. I was feeling… numb. I wasn’t angry, frustrated, sad or any other emotion I could define. I was just numb… We walked outside for a few (it was beautiful out) and then went back in. Towards the end of the night, after most people had left, Amanda, LJ and Kevin came and sat with Meghan, Nick, Sandra and I for a few. It was cool to see LJ, I haven’t seen her in what seems like forever. We were both drinking so we tried each other’s drinks. I liked the martini she was drinking and I think I may have to try one of my own sometime.

Sandra drove me home and we talked about random things… Guys, friends, school, exams, etc. It was nice to hang out with her, I don’t get to see her very often. We are going to try to hang out over Christmas vacation.

I came in to write this and I got a message from Ben asking if I was still mad at him… I’m not mad but I don’t think he gets it… I don’t know how to explain it to him either. I tried to say that and I tried to explain it based on how I am feeling but he got angry and went offline… I feel kind of hurt I guess is the best way for me to explain my feelings… I trust him more than most people. I have a hard time trusting guys to begin with and I think that this hurts more because it is him than if it were anyone else because it’s never really happened before. He is one of my best friends and one of the people I turn to for guidance, friendship, support and other such things and normally it’s a mutual thing… I don’t know how to explain what/how much our friendship means to me. I was going to go to Grace in the morning to hear his choir sing but now I think I will either stay closer to home or sleep in and attend an evening service somewhere. I know when I am not welcome and I will not overstep boundaries. I e-mailed him to try to explain but who knows. :( :’( :( :’(

I’ve been talking to my friend Liam (who I don’t get to see very often) and he tried to cheer me up but it’s not working. I just hope I didn’t destroy one of my best friendships… I’m going to go get some sleep. I don’t like going to be upset but it looks like I have no choice tonight. :(