Friday, June 02, 2006

Fun times!

Ok, so I have had an interesting week...

I officially hate my job. Every day this week (except today, oddly enough) I have been told that I am doing something wrong or have been yelled at for something either by the manager or the owner. See, the thing is, most of the stuff is the plural "you" but they have been addressing us about the things that are going on each individually, whether they apply to us or not. Some of it is random... The owner told me that we need to make sure we don't put the e-brake on when we move cars... I don't drive a stick but I'm pretty sure that if the car is left in gear or is left in neutral on a slant, no e-brake could be an issue... I dunno... He said we had left the e-brake on when we moved an automatic but... I don't leave my e-brake on unless I'm parked on a major hill so I have no idea... Other stuff like checking for auto locks because otherwise we have to get AMA or a locksmith out to open the car... and generally the car is running.

So, yesterday, after being told that we had closed too early on Wednesday (after we had been TOLD to close *rolling eyes*) I walked into the office and told both my boss and her boss that I am frustrated. I said that I have been feeling lately as though I do not know what I am doing and that what I have been doing is wrong. I said if that is the case, should I still be working there or should I quit now because after 7 or so weeks already, I would have thought I wouldn't be making as many mistakes over and over as I seem to be. I don't know if they were more shocked by the fact that I asked if I should quit or that I asked if I do anything right. Seriously, I hadn't heard about anything I had done RIGHT up until then... My boss told me I was fine and the owner just kind of looked at me... I went back outside and later she came out to tell me that I had met my "quota" for Petro Points sign-ups for last month and I got 5000 points. (I think this was her way of saying that I don't completely suck...) Apparently there are points that we can accumulate and put towards buying stuff or something... Anyway, she said that my "quota" for this month is 10. So, here is what I find kind of funny... I had something like 25 sign-ups last month. The most I had ever had in one day was 6. Today, I had 7 so I beat my best! Plus, it is only the second of June and I already have somewhere between 10 and 12 already... :) Looks like giving me a "quota" doesn't really mean much. The other thing is that there is a girl who has been there for almost three years and her quota is the same as mine... *rolling eyes and sighing*

Anyway, the fun parts of this week...

Monday, I went and visited Tammy at work and got a new wallet and purse. :) My cute one with the flowers on it has been shedding sequins and I don't want it to completely fall apart (and I am completely inept with a needle and thread on small picky details!) so I bought something a little sturdier. So, I got it home and it turns out, it has like a million pockets! So, I can carry stuff and not end up losing everything into the abyss that is my purse! That means I'm actually going to be (partially) organized! My mom likes my purse too and I am thinking of getting her a similar one... The problem is that if I get her the identical one, we may get them mixed up and that could be disasterous!

So, Tuesday I had physio and Jeff zapped my knee for 30 minutes straight... I couldn't feel my foot afterwards... It was SO weird! Afterwards, I went to the Ladies Compassion Small Group and then after Tammy got off work, I kidnapped her and we went to the Cheesecake Cafe. She had never been there! :O The funny thing was... Neither of us ordered cheesecake! *lol* :D She had a Fruit Flan (she didn't realize it wasn't cheesecake) and I had the Peach Cobbler. We decided that next time, we will get cheesecake... :) Afterwards, she came over and we hung out for a while and talked. My bro joined us for a bit too and it was cool to just chill. I drove her home and then finished uploading the photo's onto my new photobucket site. :)

Wednesday, I had a weird day at work... There is this guy who is a regular and reminds me of kinf of a Mafia Don type... He's Italian and always wears a suit and pays with $100 bills and such. He told me that his "girl" was going to come in and I was to "make sure she was taken care of." He and I ended up chatting for a few minutes (there were no other customers around) and we talked about what I'm studying at school and it turns out his mother was a concert pianist and he plays piano. We ended up talking about classical, opera, jazz, movie scores and some other random things. So, when she came in, we made sure everything went smoothly and she was "taken care of." He asked me if I like movies and I said yes... I was thinking, "dude, you're old enough to be my grandfather... what???" He asked if I would be interested in going to a movie premiere and gave me a pass to go see the premiere of "The Break Up" at Sunridge Spectrum that night. Turns out, he says he works for Universal and told me to take a friend... I'm not about to pass up a free movie! Especially one I was planning to see anyway! :D I called Matt to see what he was up to and we ended up going to the movie which was freaking hilarious! Seriously, Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston were great together... I knew it would be funny but the actor who was actually the funniest was Jon Favereau... It was really bugging me as to where I knew him from! I looked him up on and he was Pete Becker, one of Monica's love interests on "Friend's." No wonder he looked familiar!!! Normally Vince tends to be the wisecracker of the group but in this case, it was more Jon than anyone. :D I laughed, I almost cried... Definitely one I will see again, either in theatres if someone wants to see it or on DVD. I'm going to buy it when it eventually comes out! :D Afterwards we went to Chapters and bought some books and I hit Starbucks (I've been drinking the new Blackberry Green Tea Frappuccino) and then sat and talked for a while before heading home.

Thursday at work it was interesting... I had this random guy who was hitting on me... *shaking head* He was Jamaican and he kept talking to me about how he could drink all of the water in the case he got from us so he could keep up with the ladies... *rolling eyes* It was a looooooong day... That night I had physio again and after being a human pin cushion for a while, I went to the graveyard to leave flowers and then went to meet my mom and my brother. After, I met Tammy, Matt and Shauna at BP's and we sat, got food and talked and overall, just had a good time hanging out. It was cool to get to spend some time with them and I don't get to see Shauna very often so it was cool that she came out with us!

Today at work... It was a loooong day again... The computer was being stupid and at one point the entire wash shut down due to a problem Enmax was having and we had to close for a little over an hour. After all that went on, I didn't get my break until 2 (it was supposed to be at 1). I got home pretty early though and I was so tired that I just had a shower and ate dinner and chilled at home. Tonight, Tammy and I went to Safeway to pick up some groceries (I'm surprised she's not sick of me yet!) and I dropped her off pretty early. Now, I'm going to go do some more laundry and get some sleep...

Tomorrow I work all day and then it is the TEC 43 reunion in the evening. I am SO looking forward to it! :D More about that after!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I have had people asking when my photo's from various things are going to be up...

After approximately 16 hours of uploading, editing, more uploading, naming and renaming....

Some are officially ready to be viewed!!!

For the Photo's from TEC 43 and Montana's on the Monday night go to:
(There is a password, e-mail, IM or call me for it...)

Photo's from THING on Saturday May 27, 2006 and Moxie's afterwards...

Photo's from Ben's Birthday Party...

Other random Photo's...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I have a couple of good friends (and my mom) who have told me a lot that if you don't let people treat you poorly, they won't get used to it and therefore, won't get away with it. For the past few days, I have been letting someone I considered a friend walk all over me. She has been treating me like crap and upsetting me all because she was in a bad mood on Saturday night and was taking it out on the people around her. Now, I thought this was just my impression so rather than say something to her (I asked if she was ok and almost got my head ripped off), I left her alone. I let the things that she said or did slide, came home and prayed about them and the next day, I blogged about how I had been feeling. Apparently, this was seen as a personal attack. So, in as public a place as I can, I apologize for whatever it was exactly that I said and did. However, the slander that has been going on behind my back should stop. Because as it currently stands, I am fed up with being treated like some stupid POS that isn't worth anything because I know that I am worth something and that's not fair to me.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Feeling Fragile...

Today had it's ups and downs...

My boss called this morning and told me we wouldn't be opening (and we are closed tomorrow because of the Lilac festival) so have a good weekend and she would see me on Monday. (Yay! UP!)

So, no work means I got to sleep in! (Yay! UP!)

My mom called and said she was going to come over for breakfast and then when she showed up she had brought Timbits and I had already had some raspberries and juice so we got organized to go out and ran some errands. We went to Ben's house and picked up a cake, the mall to go to Sport Chek and got matching Croc's, to Booster Juice for a smoothie and banana bread, to Co-op for milk and then to the Winter Club to drop off an envelope. (Yay for time spent with Mommy! UP!)

I got home with enough time to start a blog and then Matt showed up to pick me up so I had to "save draft" and leave and we went to pick up Dana and I got to see her apartment. We stopped at Wendy's on the way to the church and then got to St. Phil's around 6:20pm. Dana and I quizzed Jordan on how he enjoyed TEC and how his week had been in the car on the way. :) (UP!)

When we got to THING, people seemed stressed, the hall was set up for something that is going on at the church tomorrow so we couldn't use it, everyone was talking about their summer plans - some people are leaving and they were talking about it, random things kept happening (water on the floor from the radiator leaking...) and it was generally kind of chaotic... (Sliding Down...)

People I hadn't seen in a while were at THING tonight (Nick Van Hooft, Dawn, Cassidy, etc.) and Ekklesia was playing. :) Something like 7 or so of the participants from this past weekend were there tonight! Out of 16, that's awesome! (UP!)

It hit me hard tonight that I have less than two weeks until Ben leaves for the summer. I have known it for a while but it didn't really hit me until tonight... I'm not sure exactly how I feel... Or, I know how I feel but I'm not sure how to express it. And I spent a lot of time in prayer about it... (Up and Down...)

Jackie was the speaker and her topic was Spiritual Mountains and Valleys and I thought her talk was very well done. She read the book "You are Special" by Max Lucado and I love that book! I wish I was more like Lucia who only really cared what Eli thought of her and didn't let the dots or stars stick to her... (Up!)

We brought out the cake when Dana was announcing the small group leaders and has Amber (Birthday = May 23), Ben (June 11), Jordan (June 12) and John McMechan (Today!!!) come up and we sang them all "Happy Birthday!" It was a ton of fun and that way everyone felt loved and the birthday cake was enjoyed by all! :) (Up!)

We had a minor snafu at the beginning of small groups that I don't want to go into... (Down...)

As the night wore on, I was getting frustrated with the lack of help and support from certain people. I am at the point where I am only one person and I can only do so much. My mom uses a phrase... It's "this too shall pass" and I use "breathe" instead... My theory is, if it's not something you can directly fix, why bother stressing? But tonight, I was in trouble numerous times for just being there... I'm not honestly sure why I bother. I said to someone that if I wasn't there, I don't think anyone would honestly notice. Someone else would do what I was supposed to and that would be all that matters. (Down!)

One of the bright spots of the night for me was when Candace, Justin and Jon got there. I came into the foyer of the church just after they had gotten there and I got hugs from all of them and I love hugs! When they left a little later, I also gut hugs which was nice. :) When Randi and Adrian showed up all dressed up for grad, it was sooo cute! They were colour-coordinated! I think their outfits were almost as nice as David's kilt! :D (Up!)

At the end of the night, everyone was getting shooed out of the church and I found it frustrating because I cleaned up the entire kitchen by myself... I finally had people come offer to help me carry stuff out when I was finished everything else and it was tough for me not to be like, "thanks for your help when all of the other stuff is done." :P (Down...)

All in all, it was just a loooonnng day. I'm going to go spend some time with God in prayer and then listen to my new Third Day CD's as I go to sleep... I think they may help me sleep tonight...