Short blog today, I have a ton of stuff to do this week.
I did some analyzation of a piece that is due on Friday, I did some of it wrong... It is a V of V of whatever instead of just a set of elisions (if you don't know music, this may be Swahili to you...) and I didn't realize it when I was doing it and now I have to redo it... AHHHHH!
I have a midterm (singing) on Wednesday. I don't know what she expects and I have tried to go over the pieces but they are frustrating me. I don't know if she wants them on scale degree numbers, mod 12 numbers or "la"... And I don't know if she wants them analyzed before we sing them... Grrr.... So many choices and so little information...
I have another exam tomorrow... It's my Canadian History midterm and it was one of those "hows the studying going for the midterm tomorrow?" "The midterm's tomorrow?" "Ya, the 14th." Tomorrow's the 14th" Does this tell anyone how my last few weeks have been and how far off my internal clock is right now??? I KNEW when the exam was but I completely didn't realize that the 14th is TOMORROW!!!!
I have an exam on Friday... From 2-4... Which means I can't leave for Calgary until after that. It's a class I am working my butt off in but it's the same prof as the singing exam on Wednesday and I swear she hates me so I'm worried...
On top of which, I am almost done the planning for my mom's 50th birthday party... I called and solidified the room and ordered the food today. I have all of the guests phone numbers or e-mail addresses and all I need to do is send the e-mail and call those people I haven't already mentioned it to. I called a few of the out of town guests yesterday and I will still send them/call them with the information now that it is finalized. All I need to do is get decorations, order a cake and flowers and arrange DJ equipment for John. *sigh* Not too bad for 24 hours work so far...
I guess I just feel kind of spacey right now. Like I'm not retaining all of the information I have been reading and I am getting frustrated with myself which isn't helping...
Today, I'm not reaching for anything, I am striving for brilliance so I can do well on my exams this week and I am hoping for my grandparents to get better and I am praying that everything works out the way it is meant to.
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