So, I have been playing life fairly safe lately. I spend time with the people I know care about me, I avoid the people I am afriad may be displeased with me or may not like me and I just generally do nothing that involves a risk. But, is playing it safe what God wants me to do...???
I have been feeling called lately to take a step out of my bubble and try new things. I started this semester by taking a "World Rhythm" class... It has been great so far and it is the one class I go to everyday excited about being there. I had also decided to take Orchestra again, even though I don't "need" it because, generally speaking, I enjoy it. The first, a step out of my comfort zone, the second, not as much. So, I am 30 days away from the end of the semester... that, my friends, is a daunting number. I feel as though I have just begun and while I am anticipating the end of the semester, I am also worried about what the summer may bring. I am applying for jobs already and it has been tough. I have applied at some of the places I feel "safe" and have also applied at some new and completely different places... It is hard for me to take a major leap of faith but that is what I am doing... I am stepping out of the boat as Peter did and trusting that Jesus won't let me drown... I know He has my back in all that I do but... I haven't gone into a summer not knowing what is going to happen at leat a few months in advance in a few years. Honestly? It scares me. But, for now, I am excited to see what God has in store for me. He has halped me get through life this far and is helping me to acknowledge my gifts and talents and now, I should step out into the world and use them...
Another thing I am going to do is get to know other people... I have had the same group or a similar group of friends for years. I am not saying "see ya!" to those people but there are other people that I have met over time and haven't ever really gotten a chance to know that I would like to. So, in the next little while, I think that may be one of my personal goals as well... I wanted to expand my friendship group and I think this is as good a time as any to do that.
1 comment:
This means we HAVE to go for coffee!!
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