Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another update... More info this time...

So, over the weekend I baked cookies. Now, for anyone (like my mother) who is going to freak out about the fact that I’m not supposed to eat cookies; you’re right. I had 2 out of the 2 dozen or so that I made. What can I say... I’m a hardcore junk food junkie. For those people who don’t know me well, that was VERY sarcastic and I was rolling my eyes as I typed it. Anyway, I made enough cookies that Ryan and all of my roommates got to have some and I saved a dozen to take into school this morning to share with my music education class. I had a few leftover and (I was proud of myself for this) I shared them with the professor and a couple of the girls in my dance class as well as I took a couple to the Disability Services office. (Side note: I counted myself in the initial class but DID NOT eat any today!)

We started recorders in the music class yesterday so I’m sure I’m going to be driving my roommates, Ryan and my family nuts this semester when I’m practicing. ;) The recorder came with a cleaning rod, joint grease, a book, a play-along CD and a fingering chart! I’m lame but I think it’s GREAT! :)

My dance class is a lot of fun. We’ve done some mixer dances and line dances and started the foxtrot/two-step and the polka. Admittedly, after 20-25 minutes of polka-ing straight, my feet were sore! But, the fact we get to swap partners and meet a bunch of people is great! I know most of the people’s names in that class and it’s only the third day!

My math class isn’t so fun... I don’t like math to begin with and while we are only doing number sets and such, my understanding of what we were going to do and what we have been doing are two different things. I’m not sure how all of the “union” and “intersect” and “NOT” are going to work together but I’m working on differentiating between them... *sigh* I am SOOOO frustrated!!!

Anyway, in my history class we started talking about the First Nations and I’m finding it really interesting. I am still considering taking the First Nations course instead but I like the way he has this lecture structured and the project sounds interesting so I’m not sure I want to switch... I have a couple of days to decide.

Choir... Have I mentioned I LOVE to sing and have missed being in a choir??? I was considering joining a choir at home if I had time but when I got into RDC I figured I might as well take a choir and thus far, I LOVE IT! Granted, we’re doing some pieces I have done before (Loch Lomond and In Remembrance) but I’m looking forward to learning a new part. That’s the other thing... I’m singing alto and technically second alto, even though my range is technically higher but I offered to help fill in where needed. :) I’m looking forward to going back to sing later. The people (while young) seem nice and it’s nice to be in a musical environment.

Later tonight there is karaoke on campus. I’m thinking I might go sing... I just need something to do other than hanging out at home in my room. I have gotten a lot of studying done though, which is good. I’m just... Not feeling very social. I’m not feeling well and because of that, I don’t really want to have to be upbeat, positive and personable. Honestly, I’m slightly homesick, I’m stressed over financial stuff, school stuff and family stuff, I miss seeing Ryan, I miss having somewhere to go hang out and sing (a.k.a. The Q and Bootlegger’s) and I’m overwhelmed with school and living in Red Deer. The total of all of that is adding up to make me tired and just worn out in general. Also, I have yet to make many friends at school. Not intentionally... Just that most people are only in one of my classes and I don’t tend to run into them outside of class. I’m sure things will get better; it has only been a week...

All in all, I am happy with my decision to come here. I am debating getting involved in the MUS (Music Undergrad Society) or EUS (Education Undergrad Society) or both. I have applied for a few jobs and have had an interview but have yet to hear back about anything. I drove to Calgary Friday night this past weekend and helped out at the Q for a few hours. I was in the mood to drive and needed a break. It was good to see people and while I was wiped out on Saturday, it seemed worth it. Ryan came down from Edmonton on Saturday and we spent most of the day sleeping and I felt much better after that. He left yesterday after dropping me off at school and I went to see him when he was in town last night. Turns out that there might be a loophole in the “no passengers” rule that his company is “enforcing”... I’m waiting to hear what he finds out! :)

Anyone in the Red Deer area... I do want to go for coffee or whatever but I need a little longer to settle in and find my bearings. Please be patient with me...

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