Thursday, December 15, 2005

Not doing well....

Today I woke up in tears. This is quite abnormal for me. I have had it happen in the past when I have had nightmares or whatever and in grade 12 there were some mornings I woke up like that but not in a very long time. I wasn't sure why I was like that but I knew I wasn't doing so hot.

I called the head of disability services, the counsellor I deal with at school and my professor to see what I could do about my exam. I was in tears, shaky and dizzy, the combination of which was making me kind of sea sick... I finally got a hold of my prof and he told me I could write the exam on Friday... After thanking him profusely, I collapsed back into bed and slept for about 4 hours.

When I got up, I felt a bit better, I guess the emotional stress of the last few days had taken it's toll on me more heavily than I had realized. I put the finishing touches on my paper and organized my musical examples to take to Staples later to photocopy them and went to have a shower. I had some Lemon Meringue yogurt (it's Source brand and it's pretty good) and some raspberries and read for a bit.

John asked if he could take the car to go meet a friend and I let him and then I went back in and watched T.V. and studied for my Film Music test. When John got back he made Chicken Noodle Soup with crackers for dinner and then I drove him to curling and I went to Staples to photocopy the musical examples and then to the University to return some library books. I came home for long enough to do a bit of reading and talk to Matt and Brit online for a few and then I went back to get John. He and I came home and I read and watched T.V. for a bit before bed...

I'm pretty tired so I am going to be fairly early (1am instead of 3am) but I will see if I can actually fall asleep...

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