Ok, this morning I got up and had a migraine. I downed a couple of advil and some water and decided I wasn't going to let it kill me. I woke up a couple of hours before I needed to be anywhere (around 7:30) and hung out...
John drove me to my exam and I wrote it and I figure I did ok. I don't think I got an A on it or anything but I at least passed it. I got a couple of assignments back and I got a 95% on my Film Music project and a 90% on my Analysis #3 so I am pretty happy. Also, I either just barely passed or just barely failed the ear training quiz I was freaking out over but whatever...
John picked me up and then he and I ran some errands downtown and then came home so he could lay down for a bit and I could tighten up my references/footnotes in my essay and fit in my musical examples. He told me there was a package for me from DHL and it turns out it was a package I had given to someone that they sent back to me. I wasn't very happy about it but what can I do. All I can say right now is he will have to grow up sooner or later...
I ended up spending almost an hour on the phone with Rogers to get a new phone on my Lethbridge number (I haven't had a phone on it and have been paying through the nose since July) and to try and get a phone added for John. The long and the short of it ended up being that they will send me one phone and the other one I can go pick up in store on Sunday so John and I are going to go do that and mine should be in Calgary on Monday or Tuesday. (It's pink!!!)
So I drove John to curling and came back to use his printer and his computer was passworded and the password I thought should work, didn't. I couldn't get a hold of him to get the password so I sat and read my textbook for my final tomorrow until he needed to be picked up. We stopped at the College so he could check when his exams are and then came home. I printed off my paper and I am a genius!!! All of the paces I left for my examples are perfect and I don't have to reprint it at all! YAY! So it is done, hole punched and in a duotang to hand in first thing tomorrow!
I have one exam tomorrow and another on Monday... I am more freaked about the one tomorrow than the one on Monday. The one on Monday is theory and I'm pretty confident in my skills in that class. History is another story... I need all the prayer I can get on that one. Anyway, I'm going to bed. I need some sleep before my exam at 10am tomorrow. Night!
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