Friday, December 30, 2005

Good week... Good friends... :)

It has been a long week and I flipped my sleep schedule completely around but I got to see my friends a lot so it made for a good week.

Monday night I had people over to watch movies. Sandra, Meghan, Matt and Ben came and we watched "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and "Fantastic Four." Ben came when we were most of the way through the first and Matt left before we started the second. It was a good group of people and we had fun.

Tuesday night Sandra, Matt and I went to Elisa's house (Ben's sister) and watched the Flames Game with Kirsten, Ben and Josh. Afterwards we went and found food (KFC, then DQ to find out it was closed, then A&W) and went back to Ben's and watched "Four Brothers." It was kind of frustrating because Kirsten had a modnight curfew and Matt offered to drive her home but Ben ended up driving her. Matt left like 5 minutes after they did and by the time Ben got back, the movie was over and Sandra and I were leaving. I would have hung out for a bit but... I'm not going to sit around waiting to see if he's going to come back... Afterwards I stopped at home and picked some stuff up and Sandra picked up her car (which was at my house) and I went to Victory with her. We had a sleepover and it was cool to meet some of the people she goes to school with the next day during lunch.

Wednesday I went to Pizza and Prayer at Trevor's new place. It is cool to see him living on his own and in the North! :) The people that were there were: Laurel, Ken, Christine, Ian, Trevor, Sandra, Amanda, Matt and I. It was a good night. Afterwards, I went to see "The Family Stone" with Shannon and Stephanie and then I went out to my cousin's house in Cochrane.

Thursday I ran some errands and then Matt, Meghan and Ben came to my cousin's to spend the night. We watched a bunch of movies ("Into the Blue," "Rebound," "American Pie presents Band Camp," "Man of the House" and "Hitch," not in that order...) and Matt fell asleep during the second to last movie and I went to bed just as the last movie was starting. I needed to get some sleep. :)

Today, we got up and I made "breakfast" (Eggo's and orange juice) and then everyone left around 1pm. I went into Calgary for Physio and then came back out to Cochrane and put "Cinderella Man" in and almost immediately fell asleep. :) I woke up around 10:30 and then decided to watch a couple episodes of "What Not to Wear." Bedtime soon... :)

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas?

Ok, the day started out ok... I got to sleep in a bit and then my mom and my brother came over and we opened packages. I opened my packages from my friends when I first got up and I never seem to realize how loved I am but they made it very clear that they care and that was awesome!

After we opened most of our packages, John had yet to open some of his. He had a hissy fit about the dress shirt and ties my mom and I had gotten him and because he got a few pieces of clothes, he freaked bout us "hating" his taste in clothes... I think he has good taste but I did pick and choose the stuff for him for a reason... :( He didn't end up opening the rest of his gifts until later in the day... "Crown Prince" much???

Anyway, my dad didn't come (which wasn't a big surprise, he had apparently gotten upset with my mom earlier in the day which wasn't fair as far as we were all concerned) and my grandma joined us later in the afternoon. My grandpa went and got her and brought her home... She was "doing laps" (as Will referred to it once which was kind of hurtful at the time but that was what she was doing) and then she laid down for a bit... She kept asking to be taken back "home" and only opened like four of her gifts. It hurt that she didn't open most of her packages... But there wasn't anything we could really do. The day took a turn for the worst when my grandma disappeared during dinner... She did something I can't even write about... And my mom threw up after it and then was really upset in general because she was picturing herself in 30 years and was sad... I didn't know what to tell her other than to not worry about it...

After dinner, my mom and grandpa took my grandma home and then John took mom home and went to Amanda's and I went to see "Rumor has it" with Sandra. It was good ending to the day...