Thursday, January 26, 2006

Long and tiring day...

Short version of today: Went to school, sat through class and was tested on a two-handed rhythm, came home, went back to school, sat through a class in which we bribed the prof with Jelly Belly's and then got "brownie points" for knowing that "O Canada" has a second verse and being able to recite it, went to World Rhythm and learned three new dance steps, some new rhythms and then orchestra where the guy one down from me spent the hour he was actually there staring off into space and not playing or participating (when there are normally at least 4 of us and there were only 3 today, one of 3 sitting staring at the ceiling doesn't help!) and then I took my car for a tune-up.

Now, I am sitting here contemplating why I am writing on here at all. I know of... one... person who actually reads what I write and even then, I know it's not stimulating but seriously... *rolling eyes*

I have been avoiding some of my "friends" this week. Friendships are two-sided and while I like being there for them when they need me, it's annoying to have them ignore me unless they are having some kind of "crisis." I'm at the point of, "if you're only going to call me/talk to me to complain, get a therapist or start paying me by the hour." Not that I would ever say that but some days it's tempting... *sigh*

I'll tell you what really gets me... people who don't talk to you online or call you all week and then Thursday night act all buddy-buddy, like they want to spend time with you over the weekend... Ok, I like spending time with my friends if it's mutually convenient. But spending time with them because they feel bad for not talking to me all week or whatever is not happening. If they have their own lives and friends during the week and they are making me feel like a charity case in need of a friend, that's not fair to me. If I'm going to put effort into a friendship, I would expect the same from anyone else.

New Topics. (I do that a lot...) Last night, I went online and filled out my TEC application. I hit "Send to Core" and got an error message. So I e-mail the fabulous webmaster and he says he didn't receive it. So today, I filled it out again and re-sent it. I got the confirmation e-mail so it seems to have gone through.

I have also filled out my application for Camp. My problem is that last summer I was MAJORLY honest on it and I felt like it later came back to bite me in the bum. Not cool.... So I am praying a lot about whether to send it in or not and which position I feel called to do this summer. I love being in cabin but... I am feeling kind of rejected considering I haven't even been asked to work any of the winter camps...

Now, as Laurel normally writes at the end of her blogs: Today I am reaching for patience and the knowledge that where I am feeling called is where God is truly calling me.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Should write more often.

So I should update this more often, maybe not daily as I used to but more than once a week for sure. Today I am feeling especially blah... It was a good weekend, all said and done, but it had it's trying moments. Such as being yelled at by my brother because he didn't listen to directions I had given him... Of course, it was my fault and then a friend was comforting me and said he didn't think his "gf" (not exactly but close enough) would mind... Seriously...?!?!?!?! He and I have been friends for eons longer than they have known each other and I don't get why he would have to make a comment like that. Honestly, who cares if she minds, he and I are just friends! And he's one of my bestfriends so if I can't turn to him when I am upset, how fair is that? Anyway, the cab went pretty well, we all had an okay time. The silent auction went okay as well... I was bidding on Roughnecks tickets for John but at the point that the tickets were bidding for more than it would cost him to buy them normally, I stopped. We ended up with $25 for East Side Mario's (door prize), $25 for Montana's (didn't pay that much for it, it came in a package), four passes for movies/mini-golf, a gift basket from Avon, a Pedicure, a Pedicure at home set, a set of shampoo and conditioner, a Grease Poster, a Build-a-Bear and a couple of scarves. It sure looks like a lot written out that way when in actual reality, most of it was packaged with other stuff so it was only something like four items... The proceeds go to a good cause (the orchestra's tour in a month and a bit), and this way we supported it without having to pay money towards the actual tour. I would have liked to dance more but c'est la vie. I helped Julie out as needed and at the end of the night there was some older guy who kept yelling at her over a misunderstanding of sorts and I was there to give her a hug and calm her down. John joked with her and got her to smile and threatened to kick the old guys butt. Matt also gave her a hug and by the time Andrew (her bf) got out there, she was much calmer. It was interesting to meet Peggy's significant other and to see Suzie again... I was thanked by various different professors for my hard work and all I did towards making the silent auction a success. I am trying to work on saying "You're Welcome" instead of "No Worries" when someone thanks me for something.

I spent some time in bed on Saturday due to my head being sore and after the Cab I stayed up to watch part of "10 Things..." (which is one of my favourite movies) and then I went to bed before anyone else because my head hurt. I woke up late yesterday and stayed up long enough to say good-bye to everyone (Matt, Ben and Brit) as they left and then I went back to sleep for a while. I got up again to work on homework and I watched "Grey's Anatomy" (I'm slightly addicted) and then I went to sleep again after taking some major painkillers. I got up this morning anf my head was still pounding and I felt dizzy and nauseous. I slept most of the day, saw the dr this afternoon and tonight, I am going to finish homework and then go to sleep early. I still don't feel well but there isn't much I can do about it...