Monday, October 13, 2008


So, I was thinking about all of the things I am thankful for. My mom and I were actually talking about it and she said that I should concentrate on the good things, no matter how small they seem/are. I made a bit of a list...

I'm thankful for:

~ My Friends
~ Mike
~ My mom and brother
~ My job(s)
~ The people I work with
~ Time off
~ Cold nights and hot chocolate
~ Walking in the dark
~ Playgrounds at midnight (or later)
~ Stargazing
~ Swimming pools
~ Hot tubs
~ Singing
~ Music
~ Movies
~ Books
~ Denny's (some people know what I mean!)
~ Little sister(s)
~ Nieces and nephews
~ Children in general
~ Incredible opportunities
~ Education
~ Pictures
~ Scrapbooking
~ Text messaging

Anyone that I haven't talked to/seen recently may think this list is odd. And some of these things could probably be grouped together. But in the long run, it's becoming the small things in my life that truly make me happy... Going swimming with friends, singing karaoke on a Friday or Saturday night, going to a movie, cuddling with Mike, shopping with Tiffany, visiting with Kristyn, Heather, Kylee and Deryk, and so on.

I haven't felt like I have a lot to be thankful for... With the crap with my dad and my health not always being the greatest, I felt a little like things might be a tad hopeless. Now looking at this list makes me realize that there is SO much more to life and that the possibilities/opportunities are endless!

My plan in the next little while is to reconnect with people I haven't seen or talked to in a while. I know that part of the reason I was feeling like things were somewhat hopeless is that the group I had been a part of and had a niche in isn't really a group anymore. I miss seeing my friends who are in new relationships or are newly engaged/married. I look forward to seeing their new homes and hearing about how life is going. And for those people who just had babies, I look forward to meeting the newest addition to your family. I'm pretty good at being the "cool aunt"! :)