Friday, November 25, 2005

Busy day...

So today I decided that I would sleep in a bit and get up in time to get to class.

I guess I should mention that last night my friend Lindsay and I were chatting (via MSN and webcam... I FINALLY have a webcam!!!) and we were debating going to see if McD's was open for a midnight Ice Cream run when she said "if I get into my PJ's, as you are already in yours, why don't we just go get hot chocolate at Mac's?" So I put on a jacket and a pair of flip flops and drove to get her. Well, we get there and Will tells us they don't have hot chocolate so Lindz gets a Caramilk "hot chocolate" thingy and I have a strawberry steamer (incidentally, much better at 7-11) and we end up standing talking to Will for a few. He and I made plans to go for dinner on Sunday night because he has the night off and it give me a break from writing the essay I am planning on working on Sunday... I need to figure out where to go... Lindz told me about a great sushi place downtown but I haven't had sushi in forever so I don't even remember what I like anymore. She and I sat in my car before I dropped her off talking about random things... It was cool to see her and nice to talk about stuff that wasn't school related. So by the time I got home, it was around 2:30 and then I checked some e-mail accounts I hadn't checked in a while, updated my profile on and finally fell asleep, quite late.

Before history this morning, I checked my e-mail and I got an e-mail from the friend I had asked for history notes. In it, she stated that I wasn't being a very good University student and said some harsh things about my ability to be a teacher in the future. Considering she is someone I consider a pretty good friend, I was really hurt by what she said. It also bothered me because right now, I am dealing with some family stuff and last year, when she was dealing with family stuff, I was there for her and supported her and this year, it's like "suck it up and deal with it." I don't know why she has changed so much... She said that what she was writing was supposed to be a "reality check" but I feel like the "reality check" for her might be mentioning that lately she has been acting weird and what the heck is going on. Whatever... for the time being, I am focusing on school and not worrying about it.

I went to class this morning and my history prof (the one I met with yesterday) seemed more scattered than normal... His notes were out of order, he kept losing his place and he let us watch Don Giovanni for the last half hour of class. I'm not sure what is happening with him but both my friend Sheila and I were really worried about him... Sheila is going to photocopy her history notes, as my prof recommended I ask her for notes. The thing is, I read her notes today and most of the notes from the class I missed last week I already have due to the fact that my essay is based on Mozart's life and that was what he was talking about. All I need is the information on the works that he went over in class. It is way less than I thought I needed.

I went for lunch with my brother and it was ok. We went to DQ. He picked me up from class and was like, "I want a licorice shake." We got there and apparently they have discontinued licorice flavouring. He wasn't too impressed. We didn't kill each other which is positive...

One of the things I am realizing a lot of lately (this year so far but mainly in the past few weeks) is who my true friends are and what makes a friend. Someone sent me this picture that says "true friends walk in when the world walks out" and it is so true. I have some people that I don't talk to or see for weeks or months on end and yet, when we talk, it's like no time has passed. I have others that I feel as though I have to keep calling or e-mailing them and that I may be annoying them... A friend shouldn't be an annoyance and friendship should be two way. If I am putting effort into a friendship, the other person should also be putting effort in. I'm nto saying I'm a perfect friend. Not by a long shot. But I try... And I can't do more than what I am capable of right now. I know that there are some people that know more about me than others or people I knew when I was younger that I don't see anymore. I would love to get back in touch with them. Some of those people didn't understand that I am not home very often or didn't like it when I moved to Lethbridge. But, as time passes and we grow up, it would be interesting to hear what has happened with those people. Many of them are still in school or just finished. Some are married, some have kids (whether they are married or not), some have moved, some still live at home... the list is endless. I am going to a baby shower for a good friend in a week and a bit and I am really looking forward to it. We have known each other since we were 5... My brother pointed out that he has known her his entire life... That is cool but scary. 18.5 years... I have some friends that I have felt alienated by lately and I'm not really sure what happened with them. I was hoping that one day it would be explained to me but as yet, no explanation. One day, they just stopped talking to me, returning my phone calls and it was like I ceased to exist. I miss those people and while I know I can never get those friendships back to where they used to be, it would be cool to at least see/talk to those people and hear how they are doing occasionally. I just don't know how to go about that. Plus, if they are the ones who "ditched" me, are they worth my time???

This afternoon I made some more phone calls and had some great responses! I called some of the places I listed yesterday, as well as:
  • The Cutting Room Floor
  • Calgary Skate Shoppe

I left messages at a few places and some places gave me fax numbers or told me to come in to talk to them. I made fax cover letters for the places who wanted the letter faxed to them and John sent them for me while I was at orchestra tonight. I have to stop by St. John's, Long and McQuade, Axe, Movie Poster Shop, Vintage and Music Makers while I am home this weekend to either pick stuff up or drop off the letter. It's cool to get to meet so many people in so many different industries.

Tonight at orchestra we worked on our pieces for the concert next week. During the symphony that I love but have been struggling with certain parts on, I basically thought, "whatever, if this is going to happen, it will happen" because my fingers haven't been moving fast enough for my liking lately. I flew through the passage and was on time with correct notes/fingerings and I was so happy! Today, Carrie and I were so goofy and giggly, it was strange. We were counting rests and mouthing what number of bars we were on to each other so we knew we were in the same place (we have sections with 21 bars rest and then we play 4 bars and then 26 bars bars rest and then we play 7 bars and so on... and sometimes the meter changes so we have to pay attention to what is going on) and at one point, we were on different numbers, which for some reason, was extremely hilarious and we both cracked up.... Richelle thinks we're nuts (I'm pretty sure... She sits between us) and Phil was lost because he kept coming in late... I keep telling him to count but I think we may have to work on it sometime as a section. Yes... counting rests... 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 2 and so on...

After orchestra I drove Dee to her car and we had a long talk about a lot of things... She was telling me about her bf and I look forward to meeting him when he is here next week. I have seen a pic of them on her display on MSN and they are cute and she is so happy! It's cute but disgusting... :D One of the things that she said that I found interesting (because I could relate) was that she feels as though there are people in her life she would like to give advice to that wouldn't necessarily be receptive. I pointed out that I am like that but on the other hand, I have had to learn when not to give advice as well... It's tough but something we have to do sometimes...

I met Tara at the mall for a walk/browse/Christmas shopping session and it was cool to have a chance to spend some time wandering. We wandered into one store that had some really cool stuff and I asked about dropping off a letter to the manager about the silent auction and the lady who was working said no problem and gave me the name and phone number of a woman who makes handmade glass ornaments and such that they have on display. She is a U of L grad and a music fan and the laady said that she would probably be quite receptive to donating something to the auction. I am very excited and I am going to go over and drop off the letter and give this woman a call tomorrow! While I was at the mall I picked up a few small things for some friends and my second Christmas thing for this year. My first was a snowman who plays the piano and this is a penguin who sings... He is so cute! I almost bought one for Tara for Christmas because she loves penguins but... I think this may drive her nuts. She saw the penguin slippers in Payless tho and I thought she was going to scream... It was so cute. :) I picked up a couple of pointsettia flowers to add colour to my plant and some yarn (it was on a MAJOR sale) at Michael's and then picked up the car from the curling club.

After the mall, I went to pick up Lindz... While I waited for her, I called my friend Mike who I haven't talked to in a few months.... I wanted to check in and see how SAIT was going for him and how life has been treating him. It was awesome to talk to him and he said he is going to come to Moxie's on Saturday night! I am SO excited!!!

When Lindz came out, we went to BP's for food and such. We split panzerotti roll and spinach and artichoke dip and sat and talked about a ton of different stuff. It was interesting hearing about how life has been in the last little while. I didn't know how much had changed recently... I look forward to hanging out with her again soon!

When I picked John up from the curling club, we dropped Lindz off at home and stopped at Shopper's and then Mac's and then came home. I picked up some eye rewetting drops and a box of Ferrero Roche and John got a ton of Lindor's and some Visine and such. At Mac's we got slurpees and John bought double stuff oreo's... Will's asked why he was buying oreo's and John said, "because I can." I asked Will where we are going for dinner and John said, "his place, he'll cook" to which I responded, "more like - his place, where his mom will cook..." and then I said, "we could do our place but that means I cook and you clean..." and John turned to Will and asked, "So. Where are you going OUT to?" Will and I both laughed and John didn't find it nearly as funny as we both did. *lol* :D

I am looking forward to going home tomorrow... I am making Christmas Cards tomorrow night with my mom, running around to various places tomorrow when I get back and on Saturday and shopping for the baby shower before I leave on Sunday, as well as going to THING and everything else I have to do... It's going to be busy but good!

So I still have homework before bed... And I am not tired yet. So I am going to go do the homework and then try to get some sleep.

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