Sunday, December 04, 2005


Today I wasn't feeling so hot...

I got up this morning at went to the Winter Club for a massage. My knee has been killing me and my hamstrings are majorly tight so I was hoping they they are somehow related and my massage therapist could help me out... After the massage, my back, neck, legs, etc. all felt much looser which was awesome but I still felt like crap overall. I went home and had about 2L of water and decided to have a nap. I figured that maybe I was just overtired and needed the sleep.

I slept all day.

I fell asleep around 12:30. I woke up when my mom showed up at my grandparent's around 7:30pm.

I had already decided to drive back in the morning because I didn't want to drive in the dark but I didn't plan on sleeping all afternoon.

Once my mom got there, she and I went for groceries (incidentally, my knee hurt worse than before so I iced it as soon as I got home) and then I came back and spent the next couple of hours finishing Sky High and working on the Theory project that is due Friday.

I still have to finish the musical analysis for my History Paper and re-time my musical cues for Casablanca but that stuff is partially in my car and partially in Lethbridge.

So, for now, I am going to bed. I am tired and I don't know why. I will get up in the morning and drive back to Lethbridge. *Sigh*

One week of class left and then exams. Praise God it's almost over!!!

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